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You CAN teach an old dog new tricks...

December 4 2005 at 1:06 PM
Kevin Jones  

Last night my wife and I were cleaning a seafood restaurant I have posted about before. She was using Cimex/Releasit DS on the less greasy traffic lanes, I was using hwe on the areas coming from and lanes leading from the kitchen. One problem we have is it is cheap carpet and light colored. Spills like ketchup, dressings, etc. are extremely hard to get out. There is usually a shadow of these spills showing even after a cleaning. Anyway, there was a particularly bad spill at the end of a lane I was gonna hwe. I presprayed on the heavy grease areas with Bridgepoint's BioBreak. I went back to get my vacuum hose from the truck. When I came back my wife was Cimexing in that area and the spot was gone. I asked her if she cleaned there, she said yes. I told her to clean the whole lane and I would clean the next one that runs parallel to it with hwe. Let me say that the Cimex/Releasit over the BioBreak did a phenomenal job removing spots somewhat better than the hwe. I still hwe the really bad areas because they are just too greasy. I expect everyone to say that the BioBreak will void the encapsulation process, and I'm sure Jimmy Ladwig will shoot me a personal email! However, I intend to test this process further.


Re: You CAN teach an old dog new tricks...

December 5 2005, 4:52 AM 

The cimex just scrubbed your prespray and cleaned with releaseit. Did you extract the biobreak prespray?

Greg Loe


Stephen Dobson

Re: You CAN teach an old dog new tricks...

December 5 2005, 8:48 AM 

I agree. All your wife did was agitate your prespray in in that traffic lane.. and put the soil and spot into suspension,, waiting to be extracted.
I do it all the time.
Its called mech agitation.

Did you agitate your parts of the job before you HWE'd?
If not.. experiment with that. Prespray,, have her use the CImex on those areas.. then extract.

I use Bio Break as my main prespray... tinted with STPP. Citrus solv. Its awesome. Mech agitation by the Cimex or a rotary and syn pad is the Bomb.
Try it.

You need to extract that area that the scrubbed.
I would say YES, it will interfere with the crystalizaion process of the Releasit,, and also leave a residue if you dont extract it.

Just my thoughts.

Welcome to the world of mechanical agitation and its power in the cleaning process.

Now you see why I rave about it on the ICS forum.


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


Rick Gelinas

Re: You CAN teach an old dog new tricks...

December 5 2005, 9:48 AM 

Agitation is a very large and critical component of the cleaning pie = T.A.C.T. And when it comes to STRONG mechanical agitation, the Cimex is the KING!

Thee Heads Are Better Than One:
A typical rotary machine cleans with 1 brush turning at 175 rpm. Whereas the Cimex has 3 brushes spinning at 400 rpm. If we do the math... That's 3 times as many brushes spinning more than twice as fast. That equates to just over a 600% increase in scrubbing power with each pass of the machine.

And then on top of that we need to also factor in the largest contributor to the Cimex's efficacy...

Planetary Action:
Three heads spinning clockwise and counter-clockwise at the same time produces the highest degree of SAFE agitation to the fiber attainable. As the drive deck turns clockwise, the brushes spin counter-clockwise. So we're actually scrubbing left and right simultaneously.

I know you guys are already know this but others may not be as aware. If agitation is what you're looking for - the Cimex is like a giant yellow scrubbing Gorilla for getting the job done

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Dec 5, 2005 11:11 AM
This message has been edited by cimex on Dec 5, 2005 9:53 AM


Re: You CAN teach an old dog new tricks...

December 5 2005, 5:54 PM 

I aint no math wizerd so I don't know how to figure it, but , I'd bet a meal the the outside of a 20" at 175 rpm is going faster than the outside of a 8" at 400 rpm. The 3 heads roamin around is a definate plus, the speed, ahhhhhhhhhhh

I do know that 3 8" pads have 150.75" of contact area, and one 20" has 314" of contact area.

But I aint never goin back to a rotory though, lol.



Stephen Dobson

Re: You CAN teach an old dog new tricks...

December 5 2005, 7:31 PM 

You would have 20" going 175 RPMs and
with a Cimex you will have 24" going 400 RPMs.

Theres a difference.. but its the planetary action.. the left and right that is killer.

A rotary is one directional.. and yes.. it works great for agitation.

but the 360 degree agitation by the KIng.. the Cimex.. rules.

I use them both.

How to I decide.??
Well my back and body decides. Do I want to lift out the rotary or the Cimex?
No.. really,, depends on the soil load. If its light to med.. I pull out my rotary.

If its med to heavy.. Cimex gets the call.

I win either way.

But the Cimex is much safer.. keep that in mind.

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

Current Topic - You CAN teach an old dog new tricks...
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS