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Cimex pulling

December 5 2005 at 7:41 AM

Last night it stated pulling to one side, if ya let go it'll do circles. Changed pads, no help.




Rick Gelinas

Re: Cimex pulling

December 5 2005, 9:32 AM 

If the Cimex is pulling, it can be one of three possibilities...

1. The concrete under the carpet is uneven and it's causing the machine to drift sideways a little.
2. The carpet pile has a particular lay that causes the machine to pull slightly in one direction.
3. The plumbing of the machine is plugged and you're not getting even flow to all 3 heads.

The first two situations are connected to the actual account so there's nothing you can do to control that. However the third issue is something that you can control. And of the the three possibilities, it's the most likely one to produce what you're describing. This is an easy condition to resolve through routine machine maintenance. In fact, cleaning the plumbing should be done on a very frequent basis in order to keep the solution flow running smooth to all 3 heads. Here's a link that shows you how to do it...

Give your plumbing a good cleaning and you should see improved machine performance.

If the condition is caused by one of the first two situations; you can normally just reverse the direction of the motor and it will stop the machine from drifting. Turn the Cimex off and back on to reverse the rotation. This normally corrects the condition if it's being caused by "lay of the carpet" or "uneven concrete".

One of the 3 issues is causing the condition you described. So give these things some consideration (especially the plumbing) and you should be in good shape.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Dec 5, 2005 9:40 AM
This message has been edited by cimex on Dec 5, 2005 9:39 AM


Re: Cimex pulling

December 5 2005, 12:31 PM 

its a place I've cleaned several times before w/o problems, so I'll check the plumbing



Stephen Dobson

Re: Cimex pulling

December 5 2005, 7:23 PM 

I bet you'll fine your plumbing all right.

Try running another direction. or Perpendicular to that run.

I almost always fine it in the floor.
Its usually like Rick said,, in the underfloor or in the lay of the land (nap). lol

Luck to ya buddy.

Maybe your machine has rhythm and wants to dance.. Ya never know
Is there music on?

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

Current Topic - Cimex pulling
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