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Special Encap Cocktail (long post)

December 5 2005 at 5:40 PM

Today I was Cimexing a large account lots of spots, chocolate, drinks,wax, etc and lots of little odd shaped places to clean.
In these odd shaped places I would often have problems with suds. I read the info on Releasit products and have both Punch and Releasit DS so I mixed them as the Punch doesn't foam as much. I was putting 4 gals in the tank 2 with releasit DS and 2 with punch. For me it was killer, nice even white path no over suds ever. Plus it cleaned everthing in it's path and still looked even better than last time. Also used the Grey pads on this for first time and they certainly beat my expectations! I would go to spot something, dry hit it and get ready with my spotter bottle and it's gone finally just put the spotter bottle on the table. I'm new at Cimexing so I'm hoping I don't get 10 replies telling me I really screwed up and wait until tomorrow!!


Stephen Dobson

Re: Special Encap Cocktail (long post)

December 5 2005, 7:20 PM 

I have never heard of mixing the two products.. maybe you can. I am sure Rick will chime in.

About the suds.. or foam I guess you ere eluding to.. that probably says you are putting too much down.. moving too slow.. etc.

Not for sure since I can't see you.

About the foam.. i love seeing it. it tells me where I have been.. where I need to go.. etc.

Just get the area a general white color and move out.
Not built up like shaving cream'., but the white should be visual.
if you get a built up 'foamy' spot.. dont worry about it. You aren't going to hurt anything.. just possible wasting a little product.. more than you need.
scrub it out.. if I get too much.. or a spill, i put a towell down and absorb it up a bit.

then scrub the remains.

Keep up the good work.

Continued Success.

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


Hey Steve

December 5 2005, 7:33 PM 

Thanks for your post and you are right. But the areas I'm speaking about can not be walked in the are arkward areas that are maybe 4 or 5 ft and just a pain. But this combo really seemed to work for me and thought I'd post about it. Might work for somebody else.


Kevin Pearson

Re: Hey Steve

December 5 2005, 9:32 PM 

We did exactly what you were talking about in a church we were cleaning a while back. It was less foamy but no other noticeable difference. You should be fine tomorrow.

Kevin Pearson


Rick Gelinas

Re: Hey Steve

December 5 2005, 11:30 PM 

There won't be a problem tomorrow. There's enough of the crystallizing polymer in Encap-Punch to crystallize a cow. This means that there won't be any residue problems. With Encap-Punch we really had to bulk up on the polymer in order to compensate for the solvents and builders in the formulation. Encap-Punch is built with a different detergent architecture than Encap-Clean. Although mixing the two products is not an intended usage for Clean and Punch, it can be done successfully. These two products were intended to compliment each other and were designed with compatibility in mind. Thanks for sharing your little discovery with everyone Rick

Rick Gelinas


Hey Steve

December 6 2005, 7:11 AM 

Mixing the two together. This only makes sense that it would not hurt anything. although I have never mixed the two. I have quite a few times pre-sprayed with punch and then encapped with ds. I would say this is mixing the two products. Great results. I love this stuff. My truck mount is getting less and less work.


Current Topic - Special Encap Cocktail (long post)
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS