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Huge Commercial Jobs...

December 5 2005 at 6:09 PM


Has anyone attempted CCing HUGE Commercial Jobs such as skyscrapers,airports, arenas(Seats),Cruise Ships, etc? Just wondering - drove from maine to florida this weekend, and saw LOTS of huge buildings. I was talking to the wife and both of us were dreaming of possibly having a business that can do such big jobs!

Did talk to a janitorial maintenance guy at the airport (On the flight up), he said they have a big walk behind machine (Sounded like HWE, he said water is sprayed down onto the carpet)



PS Someone is cleaning these huge places, why not me?!!!! My 15" cimex is ready & willing...LOL


Stephen Dobson

Re: Huge Commercial Jobs...

December 5 2005, 7:27 PM 

Might as well be you Joe.

Most of those big HWE units that those guys use, are worthless.
something that doesnt clean well.. leaves the carpet wet because the workers dont know what they are doing.. imagine that.. and something that a salesman led the facility into buying.. usually a salesman that can sale.. but knows nothing about cleaning whatsoever.

Atleast Rick was a cleaner before he became a very knowledgable salesman. Thats what makes him double valuable.
He knows his goods, chems, equipment and the biz too. Those are good attributes and lend credibility when he speaks.

It might as well be you Joe.. or me. Go for it.

What do you have to lose. Every building has what? FLOORS...

and floors are money in bank.

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


hiyas Joe :)

December 6 2005, 12:00 AM 

not for me. those buildings/jobs scare me to death! can't imagine what it'd take to do them...i'm small time. couldn't handle being that "big".

Steve Roberts, the fella who makes the Rug Badger, he & his crew clean some cruise ships with the Cimex. email him some questions.

thanx --- Derek.

Mark Dullea

Re: hiyas Joe :)

December 6 2005, 9:21 AM 

If you are contemplating going after these "Mother of all c.c. jobs" you might want to consider upgrading to the 24" Cimex. Maybe even the 30" model. (Does anyone actually own a 30" - er?)

Current Topic - Huge Commercial Jobs...
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