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Fiber Plus Pads

December 6 2005 at 3:39 PM

Are fiber plus pads similar in texture as buffer pads? Are they softer, and how thick are they?


Stephen Dobson

Re: Fiber Plus Pads

December 6 2005, 6:22 PM 

Very similar. I am sure Rick will chime in and give you a 'more in depth' difference.

I compare them to white buffing pads.

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


Rick Gelinas

Re: Fiber Plus Pads

December 6 2005, 9:49 PM 

The FiberPlus material comes out of the burnishing range of pads. The FiberPlus pad material is formulated with an elastomeric property that gives the pads adequate stability to hold up to carpet cleaning. If you compare these pads to a white buffing pad (as Dobs mentioned) you'll find that a standard white pad will disintegrate very rapidly. We looked at an awful lot of pad compositions before we decided on the pad material that we're using. These pads hold up well, they scrub very effectively, yet they're safe for the fiber. The elastomeric property grips the fiber which adds to the scrubbing ability without requiring abrasive pad material. The result is a safe pad that works exceptionally well.

On a side note: A cleaner called our office yesterday with an unfortunate experience. He had bought a Cimex from another distributor. The distributor told him to use RED floor pads. OH MY GOODNESS! A red pad is pretty aggressive for carpet fiber. Plus the red coloring in the pad can transfer directly from the pad into the carpet fiber. Well guess what? That's exactly what happened. This fellow cleaned a white carpet and transfered red coloring from his pad to the white carpet. Unfortunately the damage may be permanent. I think it's sad to hear of a salesman giving poor advice when he has no idea of the consequences (I wonder if he's ever actually cleaned a carpet). Is the supplier going to go out and rectify the problem? Not too likely.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Dec 6, 2005 9:58 PM

David Hebert

Re: Fiber Plus Pads

December 8 2005, 6:22 AM 

Ouch Red pads unless they are used already

we use biege pads they hold up better then the white ones have the properties
Rick mentioned and hold up for a long time, since I am still in the dark ages and use a 20 inch 320 speed buffer.

I doubt the fellow who gave that bad advice ever put a red pad on a Cimex or any other machine and tried to clean a carpet. This is one reason to deal with people who actually clean or have cleaned and sell equipment and chemicals. The advice given comes from experiance

Jerald Rogers

Fiber Plus Pads

December 7 2005, 1:26 AM 

Thanks Rick and Dobs, I used a white buffing pad on a large oil stain, I got the stain but I felt like I needed to use more solution than I wanted to because the pad seemed a little rough. So thanks for the info.

Current Topic - Fiber Plus Pads
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