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I need advice

December 7 2005 at 10:17 PM

Kevin Pearson  

I bid on an cleaning 10,000 square feet in an athletic club yesterday. I had to bid the job just like the cleaner now bid it. By that I mean they are only putting protector on about 2500 sf. and on 800 sf they "clean and mildewcide" and on another 1000 sf they "clean and apply anti-bacterial". The rest is clean only. They are also HWE guys. It does not have to be HWE or at least they did not object when I said I had a better way and left it like that. I am not a believer in this clean and mildewcide and clean and apply anti-bacterial. Isn't that part of what a cleaning does naturally?

Anyway, my question is when I get this contract the locker rooms they say are always damp due to the showers. By cleaning with Releasit will it make the floor slippery because the Releasit gets reactivated by the moisture? Will this be a problem when they walk from the carpet to the tile?

I ask this because when we cleaned a rug (synthetic) the other day with the Cimex/Releasit combo and then I was not happy with the rug and so I cleaned it again with HWE. The Releasit reactivated and the foam killed the suction on my Butler. So, if Releasit is reactivated with moisture and I clean in this locker room I am thinking that I might be causing a trip hazard. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Kevin Pearson

Kevin Jones

Re: I need advice

December 8 2005, 5:03 AM 

I know Rick has said the Tea Tree Extract has some anti-fungal capabilities. However, if you are concerned about "slippage" why not Cimex the majority and use Microban's new carpet sanitizer in the locker room with hwe?


Kevin Pearson

Re: I need advice

December 8 2005, 8:02 AM 

I forgot to say that I was planning on using a few extra drops of tea tree oil in my solution. Just concerned about slippage and did not want to have to use HWE just for the locker rooms which would take about 200' of hose to reach. They are at the furtherest point from a door. If I have to I will, but trying not to.

I will be cleaning every two months.

Kevin Pearson

David Van Briggle

Re: I need advice

December 8 2005, 9:19 AM 

If as you say the carpet in the carpet in the locker rooms are always damp, will the Releasit have time to dry and cure initially? If so, I assume no one will be vacuuming it out soon enough. If it reactivates I would also be concerned about slipping and resoiling as well. If you used an emulsifier in HWE I suppose he same questions would arise.

I wonder how much chemical you could remove by following the Cimex with pads?

Mark Hart

Re: I need advice

December 8 2005, 12:06 PM 

Maybe you should consider putting a dehu in the locker room for a while. Just a thought.

Clay Carson

Re: I need advice

December 10 2005, 5:41 PM 

I have not had Releasit leave the carpet foamy after drying. But if it's a slip and fall issue, if you can imagine the loss, you might as well investigate to see if it's likely.

Clean a carpet with full Releasit. Let it dry. Then dampen it and walk on it and see if it's "slippery" or foamy.

I doubt you'll have a problem...

Current Topic - I need advice
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS