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Spare parts

December 11 2005 at 12:45 AM
Greg Loe  

Hi Rick, or anybody else that has a recomendation

What spair parts,if any, would be good to have on hand for the Cimex

Plugs, belt, solution tube,ect...?

Thanks buddies and have a great Christmas


Greg Loe


Rick Gelinas

Re: Spare parts

December 11 2005, 10:35 AM 


Keep an extra plug in your truck. Plugs will invariably wear out or short out at the most inopportune times. So having an extra plug ready to go is a good idea.

Other than that, there isn't a lot to go wrong with the Cimex. The belt will eventually wear out and it's not difficult to replace. In most cases the belt will start slipping first though, so this will give you warning that it's time to get one ordered.

Aside from that, there are not too many breakable parts. And we can get whatever parts you need sent out lickety-split. So I wouldn't be too concerned.

But just to be safe, you probably should go ahead and order an extra Cimex or two for a backup, just to be on the safe side

Rick Gelinas

Greg Loe

Re: Spare parts

December 11 2005, 3:48 PM 

Good idea Rick, send me 3 more Cimexs. Just put it on my account, on account I ain't got no money

Greg Loe


Re: Spare parts

December 12 2005, 9:24 AM 

Check the screw on the on/off switch to make sure its tight. Mine was loose and lost the knob right after I got it. PRICY to replace. Luckily I found mine.



what about this part Rick?

December 12 2005, 12:17 PM 

hi Rick, i mentioned this before but what about those 3 plastic caps/plugs that hold in the solution on the base...the ones that are removed with a screwdriver to scrub out any clogging...can you get ahold of these for us?


Rick Gelinas

Re: what about this part Rick?

December 12 2005, 2:09 PM 

Yep you can order those. Give me a call.
They're $750 each.

Rick Gelinas


No Wonder!

December 12 2005, 5:06 PM 

$750 No wonder you want us to clean them out so often! Got to pay for Bob W training somehow. (just kidding)We get points for that right LOL!

Current Topic - Spare parts
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