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December 11 2005 at 9:13 PM

"Live by price,die by price" When I first entered the Carpet Cleaning Business, I was told to never advertise price because you will live to regret it. How true that has turned out to be. I have never advertised a price and never will.+++ Positioning yourself and your business, and name it to attract the customers you want. Names such as Dunkin' Donuts, Midas Mufflers, Domino's Pizza Delivers, and Minute-Lube are all good examples of names that serve as marketing tools. I think it was a classic case of big coporate stupidity when, after Quaker State bought Minute-Lube, they spent a fortune converting colors at all the locations from red and yellow to green and changing the name Minute-Lube to Q-Lube. From a name that telegraphs the service to a name that means nothing. If you don't think advertising works, consider the millions of people who now think yogurt taste good. +++ Every sucessful achievment begins with decision. Most unsucessful lives are conspicuously absent of decision. +++ We are taught that you can't judge a book by its cover, but we can't help but judge a book by its cover. You will judged that way, too. +++ Failure is part of the daiy entrepreneurial experience. +++ No one will be a bigger expert on your business than you, +++ If you can't make money w/o money, you probably can't make money with money either. +++ By night an atheist half believes in God. +++ Those of you who read this, I told you it was rambo-lings.

This message has been edited by raymoody on Dec 11, 2005 9:16 PM

Greg Loe

Re: Rambo-lings...

December 11 2005, 11:26 PM 

Off your meds again?

Your ok, It's ok, We're all ok.

Greg Loe

Current Topic - Rambo-lings...
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