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Knowlege is Good

December 12 2005 at 2:48 PM

Rick Gelinas  

On Saturday our staff enjoyed a nice treat

I hired one of my favorite instructors (Bob Wittkamp) to come and teach a class to our crew.

Here's a photo of Bob teaching in a small meeting room at our office...

It's great living in the same town with the carpet cleaning "guru".

Everyone enjoyed learning a bunch of cool info from one of the industry's finest.

Thanks Bob!

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Dec 12, 2005 2:53 PM

Tom Workman

How much extra to wear a suit?

December 12 2005, 3:56 PM 

So how much extra did he charge to wear a suit? LOL! I agree it is great to have such an expert close at hand. My first certification classes were given by Bob. I've since attended a couple of others but they weren't as informative about the things you really need to know about cleaning as the ones Bob held.

I've had my differences in opinion with Bob on issues in the past but when the test of time has been applied he usually proves to be right. I guess I'm just hard headed.

Bob has definately gotten me headed in the right direction and I appreciate everything he's done for me.

If you ever get a chance to meet with him or need someone to do internal training, Bob is time and money well spent.

Tom Workman
Floor Cleaning Experts


Rick Gelinas

Re: How much extra to wear a suit?

December 12 2005, 4:48 PM 

Hey I was surprised to see him in a suit too.
He cleans up pretty nice nice doesn't he?

I guess since we paid him $28,000 for the class, he felt obliged to pay a visit to Armani before coming to see us

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Dec 12, 2005 4:50 PM
This message has been edited by cimex on Dec 12, 2005 4:49 PM



Re: Knowlege is Good

December 12 2005, 4:49 PM 

Can I come and work for you?



Stephen Dobson

Re: Knowlege is Good

December 12 2005, 5:49 PM 

If you dont mind me asking.. how bigs your staff now? Your working crews.. and also to.. include your office women.. secretaries, customer service specialists. or .. managers.. or whatever title you give them. I dont want to disrespect. lol


Looks like you had a room full.

Good stuff.

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


Rick Gelinas

Re: Knowlege is Good

December 12 2005, 7:09 PM 

There's nine of us altogether on the payroll, shared between the two companies. As you can see from the listing below, several of us cross over with different tasks between each company...

Excellent Supply Inc.
Phones/Office/Shipping: Me, Nancy, Beth, Karina, Ray

Kleenstep Inc.
Phones/Office: Me, Nancy, Beth, Karina, Ray
Technicians: Sean, Scott, Ryan, Ray, Art, Me, Nancy

Everyone that works with us gives 110%. I feel very fortunate to have such an awesome group of people to work with!

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Dec 12, 2005 8:40 PM

Current Topic - Knowlege is Good
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