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Carpet Cleaning Success????

December 13 2005 at 2:18 AM
Mark Anthony  

Does anyone out there know anything about a person named Ron Meyer? I am trying to get the carpet cleaning off the ground instead of always trying to hustle a job here and a job there. It is good to get out there and knock on doors, but perhaps there is something I am missing. I have a clean van with lettering, clean appearance, good talker and do good work with my Cimex, just not getting much work. The only work I really get are paint jobs, repair work, landscape work, installation work etc.... and not very much carpet cleaning. I average about one carpet job per week at about $125 to $175 and the rest is other work. What on this great earth am I doing wrong? Is the book worth it weight in gold or am I spending money I don’t need to? I love cleaning carpet.
Thanks in advance for your wisdom and direction in this matter.

Thanx :~}

Afterglow Carpet Care


Carpet Cleaming Success

December 13 2005, 7:10 AM 


We all have goals set. I have a 5 year plan where I have a certain figure I want to make each year. I do what ever it takes to make that number. I am lucky that in my town there is a monthly advertising flier sent to every house in town this is where I get most of my jobs. I offer each of my customers incentives to use my services (carpet cleaning savings). We all have slow times. I usually try one day a week to do some cold calling with a flier I came up with on why the method I use (cimex) will get rid of those re-occuring spots that other cleanings left behind.

This is not the easiest market. Focus on what you want to
accomplish and go for it that's what I'm doing. There are times that my jobs drop off but I use that time to create other opertunities. I don't know what your primary business is but if you want it to be carpet cleaning then make it your number one priority.

Last week I had 3 jobs on the books so I did some cold calling. I went into this one business and had all my equipment with me. They wanted a demo right then. The carpets had not been cleaned in 5 years. I made one pass with the cimex and was hired on the spot. I made $500 out of nothing. The manager hired me to clean his house and then wants me to come back to his company this friday to clean all his tile and grout. We have to make all our own opertunities. I know I'm not going to give up and I hope you don't either. I live here in the northeast where today it is 18 degrees this is the toughest time of the year for carpet cleaning. When I slow down after the holidays you can be sure I'll try to get every commercial job I can. Sorry this is so long but once I started typing I couldn't stop.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Carpet Cleaming Success

December 13 2005, 8:38 AM 


If you use the SEARCH feature on this message board you can find a lot of information on the topic of marketing. For example here's something I wrote with some suggestions on what has worked for our carpet cleaning company...

More often than not, I find that the three biggest obstacles to my success are ME, MYSELF and I. Success starts here. I need to motivate myself. Once I recognize that I need to get moving forward, I'll generally point the feet in the right direction next. Inertia is often the hardest thing to overcome.

Purchase and read the book called "The Little Red Book of Selling : 12.5 Principles of Sales Greatness". It's short, reads fast and easy, and it will get your juices flowing...

Here's one of the illustrations that appears in this book.
Need I say more?

Rick Gelinas

Thomas Meyer

He's my brother!

December 13 2005, 9:07 PM 

You can call him at (805) 527-3251

Current Topic - Carpet Cleaning Success????
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS