This explains my position pretty well...
Re: Testing Encap Products
Posted By Rick Gelinas on 12/13/2005 at 11:33 PM
...Yes we worked with good people to develop a respectable product. Good people from start to finish! Why settle for less? The finished product speaks for itself. It's obvious that some of the other guys aren't pleased with our success. What can I say?
What matters is how the end product works on the carpets. I've spent enough years cleaning commercial carpets to know that the only thing any of us care about is PERFORMANCE, not some silly soap opera. We care about what works and what doesn't.
It's true, I'm not a chemist. I'm just a carpet cleaner for over 20 years who's been beating his head against the wall looking for a better alternative. I wanted to find something better than the status quo disappointments I had tried from nearly every major vendor. My search for something better paid off in our cleaning business, and now it has paid off for a bunch of other cleaners too (so go ahead and sue me).
A couple of the message board guys aren't happy to see me succeed with Releasit, guys like Jimmy Ladwig. Poor Jimmy, what a life. But whatever it takes to get him through the day. Yet Jimmy really isn't what matters here. And I'm not what matters either.
The real issue, the million dollar question, the subject of this thread is: DOES ENCAP REALLY WORK?
Well the proof is born with comments from countless cleaners who have seen it change their business. Comments from cleaners like Kevin Pearson above. The facts show that encap does work. Encap has enabled cleaners all over the place to use a technique that prior to a couple of years ago was unknown to them. Their carpets are staying cleaner than ever, their production is up, and they're making more money than ever before.
Now the beauty is that encap actually works amazingly well. Our industry needed an alternative for commercial glue down carpet. They needed something better, a way to end wicking and uglied out carpets. Encap has accomplished that. And if that door hadn't been kicked open, most of the industry would still be back in the dark ages beating their head against the same wall I was beating my head against before I discovered this.
I've been fortunate to have been in the right place at the right time. I worked with some brilliant people and used my own personal experience in the business to put together the system I developed. I'm no genius, just a guy who worked with some smart people to create something good.
Some may try to discredit what I've done. Go for it! Others have tried to capitalize on my ideas. I don't care. Hey, that's the beauty of being in the service industry half my life, I've learned to be resilient; I can deal with it - it's not a big deal.
But here's what does matter...
What matters is that what you're buying to clean your carpets is not crap. It matters that what you're buying to clean carpets and provide for your family works as the salesman told you it would. It's important that you can make a profit, especially in the commercial sector where it can be tough as nails. This is what matters most.
So choose what you use with care. I know the high level of effort we put into getting our products right. And I'm sure that some of the others have also done the same. Use whatever you feel performs best to help you run a successful business. That's what I've always tried to do. It all comes down to RESULTS.
Rick Gelinas