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Reward points?

December 17 2005 at 7:07 AM

Rick I just purchased a sprint and received 400 points. Are the points 5 cents on the dollar? I'm having a brain cramp tying to remember what you said. Also what is the cost for the additional brushes for the sprint. I plan on getting everythoing out of these machine.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Reward points?

December 17 2005, 8:12 AM 

Here's how it works...

Each Customer Rewards Point is worth 20 cents. So in the case of the 400 points you receive with an on-line purchase of a Sprint, you'll accrue $80 worth of credit. The points can then be applied toward any future on-line purchase at Excellent Supply. It's kind of like S&H Green Stamps if you're old enough to remember back that far, or like "Frequent Flyer Miles" if you're a bit younger.

Rewards points are accrued with every item that you purchase on-line through the shopping cart. When you register as a new customer on our store, you set up an account. Your on-line account is where your points are tabulated. The rewards points can not be added to phone orders, because there's no way our staff can access your password protected account.

The next time you make a purchase on-line, when you checkout it will show you how many rewards points you have in your account. You'll then have the option to apply as many of those points as you'd like to the purchase.

I'll run you through a scenario of how this works...

Let's say you have purchased a Sprint and you have a total of 400 points ($80) in your account. On your next purchase you buy a case of Encap-Clean DS. You decide to apply all 400 points toward this purchase. The shopping cart will apply your $80 credit, and you'll pay just $40 for the Encap-Clean DS. And the present purchase of Encap-Clean DS will also earn another 17 points rewards points toward your next purchase.

Please note: your Customer Rewards Points get updated to your account at the time our staff processes your order. As soon as we press the "Process Order" button on our end, your points get loaded into your account. You can log into your account at any time to see the status of the rewards you've accrued.

This new feature adds some nice additional saving$ for our customers. Enjoy!

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Reward points?
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