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Von Schrader & Releasit

December 18 2005 at 4:51 PM

I have copied & pasted a post that I placed on ICS yesterday, hope you find it of interest & I get some response.


I have about 40 units in a high rise holiday block that I have to clean the upholstery, mattresses, a rug in each unit and the carpet in the corridors.

Truck mount is out of the question due to building design.

So I thought I would use my potty, 250psi with 4 x 1100watt vac motors, hot water from the complexes laundry, very hot.

First day, we had units on three separate floors, the potty was a real pain getting set up, moving and setting up again.

So I broke out my old Von Schrader VS-2 that had been gathering dust.

Filled it with Releasit, and just blew the upholstery away. I can't believe the time I was getting through it all in. And getting a great result to boot.

But that old heavy head sure gave my wrist a work out.

Cimexed the rugs and corridors.

The mattresses were vacuumed with the Allerx, (Kirby vac; with the uv light, then Master Blend to finish off).

Oz dollars??, better than $200 per hour, and no gas to pay for.

A job that started out as a real pain, ended up being cream.

Does anyone else use the VS-2 with Releasit this way??



Dave McCoy

Von Schrader

December 18 2005, 8:11 PM 

Hi shorty,

I am new to releasit system. I to have a Von Schrader from years past(10 or so) and just cleaned it up to do some upholstery in a high rise. Thank you for your post, I was wondering if releasit would work. Asked that question to Rick, he did'nt know if it would work. No one in the Detroit area to buy product from for the Von Scrader. How did you mix it? and I assume you still had to use defoamer for the waste tank? Your help would greatly be appreciated.

Dave McCoy


Re: Von Schrader

December 18 2005, 8:57 PM 

Dave and Shorty, I have the newer Esprit that makes foam faster than the older models. I have to mix Releasit DS at 2 ounces per gallon of hot water or I get too much foam. It has more kick than Von Schrader Blue or Red label. I have cleaned over 10000 pieces of furniture with the VS2 so I know all about a sore wrist. If you do it every day it's not bad, but like Shorty said it hurts if you don't do it regularly. I would recommend trying Releasit in your VS (to those of you who haven't yet) You will be in for a pleasant suprise. On lightly soiled chairs I might just spray Releasit and brush it in and be done or padcap it with my Makita 9227-C and 7" loop 100% cotton bonnets. What I like about using the VS Esprit in a customers home, is that it is the best in "show business" When they see all that white foam and counter rotating brushes and vacuum they "know" they are getting the best upholstery cleaning ever IMHO and yes you will need defoamer in the waste tank.

This message has been edited by raymoody on Dec 18, 2005 9:01 PM

Dave McCoy


December 18 2005, 10:04 PM 


Thanks for the info. I will use your your info.

Dave McCoy


Re: vs2

December 19 2005, 10:40 AM 

Rambo sold me his old esprite and i have used lots of encapp juice through it.

one of the best investments i've made.


Re: vs2

December 19 2005, 4:52 PM 

Danny that was a good investment, the new ones cost $3400 minus 10%. I am glad you bought it, as it will help feed that large clan you have. What a blessing to have your quiver full of arrows.

Current Topic - Von Schrader & Releasit
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS