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Bonneting Revisited

December 19 2005 at 8:09 PM

Today I had to pull the 2 speed Betco 17" off the van, blew the dust off, to do a job as all other equipment was on other jobs. I had a nasty 3 b/r ranch (800 square feet) for one of my investors. I know how you all like to do trashed polyester. I used a 19" white polishing pad and a red pad that I had on the van. I used Releasit DS mixed at 6 ounces per gallon of very hot water. Not only did it clean well, it was very fast (vacant home) I did all the cleaning on 320 rpm. This was a 1 hour and 15 minute job(including vacuuming and post grooming with the Grandi Groom You might say I was "smokin" $199.00) I said all that to say; I might have to use this system more often. BTW I used the red pad on all the traffic lanes.


Re: Bonneting Revisited

December 19 2005, 8:18 PM 

everyone knows ya can't git a carpet clean using a bonnet, and the carpet mfg's say it voids the warrentee!!!


Re: Bonneting Revisited

December 19 2005, 8:42 PM 

LOL Danny, that's why I used a buff pad. And when I am on a trashed poly, I could care less what the mfg. says or thinks.

Scott Warrington

Re: Bonneting Revisited

December 20 2005, 1:35 PM 

That advice against using pads came from the same manufacturer who also sold polyester and told people it was great carpet.

Scott Warrington

Scott Warrington
Tech support Bridgepoint & Interlink Supply

Mark Hart

Re: Bonneting Revisited

December 20 2005, 10:55 PM 

I've been using this method second only to the Cimex. Rick's Fiber Plus & Max pads work well. I would'nt use red pads because they tend to bleed. One thing I don't get. How do you clean AND post pad 800 s/f. The carpet couldn't possibly be dry, can it?

Current Topic - Bonneting Revisited
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS