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CR48DF for carpet cleaning

December 24 2005 at 12:19 AM
Ted Schindlbeck  

Will i have any problems cleaning carpet with the 880 rpm cimex?


Rick Gelinas

Re: CR48DF for carpet cleaning

December 24 2005, 12:23 AM 

The standard 400 rpm CR48 is what's normally used for carpet.

However my brother Dave has 2 of the CR48DF machines (he does a lot of marble work) and he uses his machine for carpet too. He's nuts for sure, but aside from that he is having success with the DF machines on carpet.

Rick Gelinas

David Gelinas

Re: CR48DF for carpet cleaning

December 24 2005, 10:13 PM 


As Rick mentioned I use my DF machines all the time for commercial carpet. Honestly I’d rather run them on marble because I make a lot more money but I send my guys out at night to do the commercial carpet with them. When I run a 400 rpm unit I just want to shoot myself in the head. When you’re use to running an 880 rpm unit on carpet and then drop back to a 400 it’s just so painfully slow. But then again I got to spend a little time behind an Avenger last week and was really blown away by how faster it was over even my DF’s. If you have the kind of accounts that will warrant that bad boy that’s the way I’d go. If you want to do carpet and also do marble with the same machine than the DF is for you. If you ever have any questions don’t hesitate to get in touch.

David Gelinas

Ted Schindlbeck


December 25 2005, 9:13 PM 

By avenger bo you mean HWE? or floor grinding? Edit propane buffer ThanKs
David, do you run brushes on df or the pads?

This message has been edited by Teddy9 on Dec 25, 2005 9:17 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Avenger?

December 26 2005, 10:28 AM 


When the Cimex is used for carpet cleaning FiberPlus pads are normally used (including the DF model).

Dave was referring to the propane powered Carpet Avenger.
It's like an incredible carpet scrubber on steroids!
The production rates are through the roof...

Rick Gelinas

Clay Carson

Re: CR48DF for carpet cleaning

December 28 2005, 10:58 PM 

David, I'd assume that since you're working at twice the speed, you run your DF pretty fast and don't work the same area for too long a period when doing carpet, no?

Any risk of melting carpet? Any actual times you did that you wanna share? Or am I just over-imagining?



David Gelinas

Re: CR48DF for carpet cleaning

December 30 2005, 9:37 AM 

Hi Clay

I do walk a bit faster with DF than I do with the other machine, that’s part of the reason I get so frustrated when I run a 400. When you’re working with the 400 you seem to be pushing against the machine. With the DF there is less operator resistance on you because the head is spinning so much faster. Someone once made the observation that had the opportunity to run both versions quite a bit was that he felt that the DF from a production standpoint was 50% faster over the other because the heads are just turning so much faster. Another point he made that I thought was a valid one is this, if you have an employee that is in a rush and worried more about getting the job done, more than he is about getting the job done correctly; the DF is a better bet. The reason is, is that it is possible for you to push the 400 too fast. If you do push it too fast you will leave dry or semi dry “crescents” in your path. The DF spins so fast that one, I don’t think you could do that, and even if you could, not too many people could keep up that pace for very long. With regards to melting the carpet I just don’t think that’s possible with either unit. In all of the years that I have been in this industry I have only seen that happen one time. It was on a polypropylene carpet where the operator kept heeling his swing machine to get stains out of the carpet. There is no way in the world you could ever get that kind of concentrated heat build up with a Cimex because of the design of the machine. So no, not only have I never seen that problem of melting a carpet with the DF, I truly don’t think its possible.

David Gelinas

Current Topic - CR48DF for carpet cleaning
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