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Discount for maintenance program

December 27 2005 at 10:39 AM


What kind of discount should I give over a one-time cleaning if the custy wants to be put on a 3 month maint. cycle?



PS custy has about 4,000 sqft...(I dont know if that makes a difference in how much to discount!)


Re: Discount for maintenance program

December 27 2005, 1:53 PM 

I would not give a discount on the first cleaning based on waht they say they will do in the future.

We did give a discount that was normally 10% for semi-annual cleaning and 15% for quarterly cleaning. This was because the carpet would be easier to clean and take less time if it was kept up properly.

The discount could vary accoridng to what I expected to encounter. Problems might be less of s discount. No problems would get a bigger discount.

If they went beyond the time, for example, they might not want to clean until 5 months instead of 3 months, they should not get the discount.

Scott Warrington

Scott Warrington
Tech support Bridgepoint & Interlink Supply


Re: Discount for maintenance program

December 27 2005, 4:10 PM 

yep, I quit doing that too, the future jobs would never materialize. What I did was offer every 4th cleaning at 1/2 price, thats a 12 1/2% discount on all 4 cleanings, but that way your sure of the work before they get it. Thats the only kind of discount I gave an any janitorial or anything. Too many promises of "if ya give me a deal I got 10 more". Any that won't take that, aint lookin to keep ya anyway.


Greg Loe

Re: Discount for maintenance program

December 27 2005, 9:41 PM 

brian's got it. Some people always trying to jipya

Greg Loe

Current Topic - Discount for maintenance program
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