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January 1 2006 at 10:39 AM


Happy New Year!

Today I'm off to clean (part 2 last week I did the building about 25,000 sq. ft) a very large conference room 45x85 with my CIMEX

I will be using the 3805 firm brushes, and taking some digital pictures for my website.

Tommorow I have about 75,100 -+ office chairs to clean (same building) with my other new toy from Excellent-Supply DRILL DRIVER & my New DeWalt Drill (the dewalt is an animal I used it yesterday to install some D-rings in my cargo trailer)

I will post the results along with some pictures

Rick did yo get my voicemail ? THANKS




January 1 2006, 12:04 PM 

huge jobs. is this carpet well maintained? what made you decide on using the firm/stiff brushes? i would think FP pads would give better results, but if it is well maintained, brushes work fine for's just i rarely if ever clean well maintained carpet.

thanx --- Derek




January 1 2006, 3:42 PM 

Good Afternoon
Yes I clean the carpets in this building every three months.

Well I was removing my cimex from the trailer yesterday to install some D-rings in the floor & side walls (trailer has a commercial carpet installed) and one of the pad drivers stuck to the carpet after removing the cimex.

I usually keep used pads under the machine for traveling & storage but I didn't this time.

I had remove the carpet from the floor (stapled down) in order to remove the driver.

The driver came apart foam pad from plastic block, that's why I used the brushes. luckey for me I had themgreat backup if you run out of pads.

The carpet came out great, but spots that come out with one pass of the cimex with pads I had to go over a couple of times with the brushes today. I prefer the pads & just recieved a new case with the drill driver on Saturday.

Will post the pictures when I up load them to my site.


PS IF I HAD THE FUNDS I WOULD PURCHASE THE Carpet Avenger This building has a lot of open space.

This message has been edited by tadsvces on Jan 1, 2006 3:48 PM

David Gelinas

Give this a try...

January 1 2006, 5:21 PM 


Give this a try, take those stiff brushes and use them as pad drivers. I know it works and works well because my truck that does the largest amount of commercial carpets doesn’t have any pad drivers on it. That tech only uses the brushes as pad drivers.

David Gelinas


Re: Give this a try...

January 1 2006, 6:06 PM 

Hi there, I have just learnt something today, the pad drivers can stick to carpet, as above.

I don't leave the head of my 'Big Yella' sitting flat on the floor during transit.

First thing I do when it comes off of a job, is stand the handle upright, then I lift the drive head also upright, put a bungee cord through the lifting lug, and both hooks then hook over the solution tank edge.

This makes the whole machine a lot smaller in length, and also places the weight more centrally over the wheels.

I have a place in my van where 'Big Yella' fits into without having it rolling around, and no straps holding it down.

The pads stay on until ready to replace, but I do snip of clumps as needed.

I have also been wary about the foam drivers coming apart, and am careful when removing the pads.

This forum has given me some of the best info I have ever read, and the best thing about it, is that it is always there to refer back to as needed.

Keep up the good work fella's.





Re: Give this a try...

January 1 2006, 7:13 PM 

Thanks again for the rotary offer.

I'm waiting for Mr. Rick to get back to me about the driver, and the only job I have to do is about 75 office chairs Monday with my new DRILL DRIVER and DeWalt drill.

But I will give it a try.



Re: Give this a try...

January 2 2006, 8:25 PM 

I respect most everything that Shorty says. I have been hauling around a 19" and 15" Cimex sitting on the pads in my van for over a year now and no problem. I have never emptyed either one, leave solution in them all the time, abuse them, give them no service and love them. I guess the fact that I love them (and they know it) is the reason they give such great service.

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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS