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? about carpet protectors with encapping

January 8 2006 at 3:58 PM
Joe M 

Two ?'s

I understand the Scotch Guard does not work with Releasit am I correct?

2nd ?

I am giving a bid on a funeral home and the wife is requesting Scotch Guard.
It is a commerical grade carpet with lots of foot traffic.

I will be encaping with my new Challenger that I will be purchasing from Rick in about a week or so.

How does Scotch Guard hold up in a comm setting if it can be used with Releasit. Or do I tell her of the benifits of encaping which helps the rugs stay cleaner longer.

What do I do in a setting like this?

Any advise.



Re: ? about carpet protectors with encapping

January 8 2006, 9:55 PM 

Joe, just order some of Rick's Soileze, and you'll be ready. I would never turn down a request for proctector. Most profitable thing you will do on any job.


Rick Gelinas

Re: ? about carpet protectors with encapping

January 9 2006, 6:42 AM 

Ray is is right. I can't say with certainty how compatible other protectors might react with Releasit. The concern would be messing up the crystallization of Releasit. That's why we came out with SOILEZE. Besides being 100% compatible, it's also one of the very BEST protectors money can buy. Soileze is good for resisting water based, oil based, and even alcohol based soil.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Jan 9, 2006 10:10 AM

Mark Hart

Re: ? about carpet protectors with encapping

January 10 2006, 10:19 PM 

many times when the customer requests "Scotch Guard" what they are really saying is that they want a protector. Scotch Guard is just the name they know. Just let them know that Scotch Guard is just one brand of protector and that the one you used is as good or better. Or you can say you will apply a protector and leave it at that. I've never had a customer insist on "Scotch Guard".

Current Topic - ? about carpet protectors with encapping
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS