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Demo in the morning!

January 11 2006 at 6:55 PM
Kevin Jones  

In October I joined the Chamber. It really perturbed my wife that I spent the money to join because we were members years ago and didn't take advantage of it. (She was already mad at me for starting a website that landed is several thousand dollar mold job). Anyway, I have become very involved this time with the Chamber...even had my ugly mug show up (okay, it was the back of my head, so it was the best side) on the front page of the paper at a Chamber event. Tomorrow morning at 10 AM is a demo at one of our local hotels. The guy who owns it owns at least one more that is larger. And these ain't little hotels either! A little encap and I'll be shocked if we don't have a new account or two. Plus, the guy doing it now is from out of town.


Re: Demo in the morning!

January 11 2006, 10:54 PM 

Great Kevin,

It ain't me doing it LOL

Hes not a Patel is he


Rick Gelinas

Re: Demo in the morning!

January 11 2006, 11:57 PM 

That sounds great Kevin. Network marketing (such as the Chamber of Commerce) is a highly effective way to recruit new business. Way to go. Go give 'em a good demo and you'll be good to go

Rick Gelinas


good luck

January 12 2006, 1:03 AM 

I have had great success with demos as Im sure we all have. I just think it looks a little easy, as it is. So lately I have been bringing in the regular things and just adding the extra bonneting after I encap. Then the custy thinks Im taking all the dirt away. I do explain what encap does, but i think the bonnets help the sale.

Kevin Jones


January 12 2006, 12:22 PM 

So I walk in this morning and meet the General Manager. First of all, I coulda sworn my contact said the GMs name was "Tony". He takes me back to the GMs office and introduces me to "Tonya"! Whoa! Talk about hot! For about 2 seconds I'm totally taken aback. First, I'm expecting to see a guy, then it turns out not only is it a she, but a fine looking she. I quickly regain my composure and share with both of them I was expecting "Tony". We all have a good laugh. I sit down and begin to explain what I'm gonna do in my demo. Tonya interupts me and asks me my rate. I tell her. "I'll tell you what. Let's skip the demo and you can clean the Bistro and bar at your rate". I tell her okay, but I have another appointment and came prepared to do a demo. If I can come back tomorrow morning that would really be a big help. She says no problem. By the way, how about taking a look at some grout problems? She tells me they are actually painting the grout, but the paint costs $500 per case and is time consuming. I offer a what? A free demo of one or two bathrooms! I use an SX12 on tile/grout, but obviously won't be able to use my truckmount. I'll have to use my portable.
I'm thinking prespray, agitate with the Cimex, extract with the portable. Other suggestions are welcome!
I love this business!!


Re: Cha-Ching!

January 12 2006, 8:39 PM 

Way to go Kevin. There is nothing like what you experienced to make you love this business. Your story also makes me love this business.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Cha-Ching!

January 12 2006, 10:22 PM 

Congratulations Kevin!

Here's a little suggestion... Go on out and duplicate your success - right away. I've learned something about sales through the years; when you have a success it's good to strike again while you're "in the zone". When you're up you're up! Success comes in waves. So keep riding the wave as long as you can. When a big fish bites and I keep on fishing, and I'll generally catch another at the same point in time. But on the other hand, I've found that if I'm having a slump where nobody seems to be interested, it's better to just stop, give it a rest, and clear my head. So now while you're feeling like you're king of the world, go on out and try to bring in a couple more. You may surprise yourself when you see how easy it is to land another one or two.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Jan 12, 2006 10:25 PM


Re: Cha-Ching!

January 12 2006, 10:55 PM 

Thats great Kevin

Ricks post does make a lot of sense and its true, ride it out.



Re: Cha-Ching!

January 12 2006, 11:17 PM 

Congrats! Knock there socks off with the demo, on the bistro and bar take it slow and don't worry about the out of town r who just lost an account.

Make sure you have all the right chems/ equipment & know where the water supply is.

Just relax and be your professional self.

Good Luck
keep us in the know


This message has been edited by tadsvces on Jan 12, 2006 11:19 PM
This message has been edited by tadsvces on Jan 12, 2006 11:18 PM

Current Topic - Demo in the morning!
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