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Tanning Oils

January 13 2006 at 4:15 PM

George Barnett  

Anyone have problems with Releasit and tanning lotions? Carpet in tanning salon, and only stains are lotions or oils.

George Barnett
Owner: G & G Services
HydroTech Distributor


Rick Gelinas

Re: Tanning Oils

January 13 2006, 6:03 PM 


Not knowing what they have in those oils and lotions it's hard to say with 100% certainty. However, here are a few techniques that should likely work for you.

1. You could pre-spray first with Encap-Punch. Encap-Punch has higher solvency than Encap-Clean so it should work out well on these oils. The benefit here is that Encap-Punch is fully compatible with with Encap-Clean.

2. You could use Encap-Spot on a terry cloth towel to treat the spots by hand. This is probably going to be the most effective way to handle the problematic oils/lotions since Encap-Spot contains an even wider range of cleaning agents and solvents. And again, the benefit here is that Enc-Spot is fully compatible with with Encap-Clean.

3. You could also use the FiberPlus Max pads on your Cimex. They produce about 20% more agitation to the carpet over the standard FiberPlus pads. When it's a challenging situation you're dealing with, the added agitation can help a lot.

4. Another thing you can do is make sure that the detergent in the Cimex is as HOT as possible. You can use a bucket heater to get the water scalding. The hotter the better when it comes to heavy soil and oils.

5. And don't forget to treat these spots like any other potential recurring spill stain.

Hope this gives you some good ideas to work with. If you'll carefully give some extra attention to the spots I think you should be able to remove them from the carpet.

Rick Gelinas


George Barnett

Stains are light

January 13 2006, 6:50 PM 

I am confident there will be no problem. Just wanted to make sure. You think there's a market rubbing it on the female clients to keep it off the carpet?

George Barnett
Owner: G & G Services
HydroTech Distributor


Re: Stains are light

January 14 2006, 2:25 PM 

I have used Encap punch as a pre-spray and used DS in my Chemstractor with excellent results on the tanning facilities I have done.

Current Topic - Tanning Oils
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS