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Another Restaurant Cleaning

January 16 2006 at 8:37 AM
Jim Towers  

First, I really appreciate all the great information on this board – thanks to all!

We are new to carpet cleaning and are using a Cimex – we do not have HWE equipment.

One of our clients is a brand new restaurant that has a dense loop pile commercial carpet that proves some interior designers should be shot on sight! It is a large geometric patter with some very light colors in some places.

We are having a very difficult time keeping this carpet clean in the main pathways. The areas around the tables are no problem.

We have been using ReleasIt DS pre-spray (6 oz per gallon) followed by a 4 oz per gallon solution in the Cimex. We are using standard Fiber-Plus pads.

Our plan is to try ReleaseIt Punch in combination with the Fiber-Max pads, prior to looking into some HWE equipment.

I have read the “Italian Restaurant” post with great interest, but the colors in our carpet are much lighter.

Current results suggest a need for weekly cleaning, which concerns me (although it may be a good way to wear out the carpet faster so it can be replaced with something more sane )

I would greatly appreciate any and all advice.

Kevin Jones

Re: Another Restaurant Cleaning

January 16 2006, 8:49 AM 

Hi, Jim.
I clean a seafood restaurant with light colored carpet. The first time I cleaned it, I encapped it only. I had to go back a couple of days later and hwe it in the areas where the wait staff comes out of the kitchen. The grease was just too heavy. Now I encap the areas away from these two kitchen entry/exits and hwe these two areas. The carpet comes out looking great!

Mark Hart

Re: Another Restaurant Cleaning

January 16 2006, 11:10 PM 

I would use the Max pads. They are movre aggressive. I think these would suit you better.


Restaurant cleaning

January 17 2006, 4:08 AM 

Hi Jim,

I agree with the guys above. I clean an Indian restaurant. You wouldn't believe the amount of grease
in this place. I HWE the first time and now I prespray with punch and I double the strength of ds using the
max fiber pads, I also hit it with bonnets after to remove any leftover dirt.


Scott Warrington

Re: Restaurant cleaning

January 17 2006, 5:20 PM 

If they are not already in place, consider suggesting some traffic mats at the highest traffic areas. These can be picked up and pressure washed or exchanged by a mat cleaning service. Really helps protect the installed carpet.

If you do not have HWE there are some distributors that have equipment in their rental pool. Talk to your local distributor about such an arrangement.

If you have a freindly relationship with a competitor who uses HWE they may help you out by working the job together one time.

Scott Warrington

Scott Warrington
Tech support Bridgepoint & Interlink Supply

Current Topic - Another Restaurant Cleaning
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS