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Statring Questions.

January 19 2006 at 4:19 PM
Aaron Baum  

Hi Everyone,

I used the Encapclean DS for the first time yesterday at one of my commercial accounts. It is a rural town hall, upstairs meeting room, commercial old glue down carpet. I used my 17" rotary machine (Tornado) with the fiberplus pad. I presprayed the solution on using my electric spayer, at 4 ounces per gallon of hot tap water, vs the tank on my machine. Should I be using the tank instead? This place only generally gets vacuumed by us one time per month when we are there for their service, it does not see a lot of foot traffic. I thought the carpet looked awsome when I was finished, compared to when I was bonnet cleaning prior to this method. My final question is this. I would like to get out and market this service, but have a hard time coming out with the right wording or info. If you have any suggestions on what might be the appropriate marketing materials to use, that would be greatly appreciated. You all are great people here! I have been reading your posts and trying to absorb the great knowledge! I apologize for being so long winded here, but wanted to make sure I ma doing this right.

Thanks So Much!
Aaron Baum
Brownell's E-Z Clean, LLC


Re: Statring Questions.

January 19 2006, 7:32 PM 

First thing I would do is go to Rick's web site and copy the commercial brochure for Cimex and Releasit while you are placing your order for the 19" Cimex. Also call and talk to Rick direct.

Aaron Baum

Re: Statring Questions.

January 19 2006, 8:03 PM 

Thanks Ray!

Mark Hart

Re: Statring Questions.

January 19 2006, 10:48 PM 

Ditto the above. However, the number one thing that attracted me to this system is that I did not have to prespray, thus, eliminating a step. So, to answer your question: yes, use the tank. You wil only have to prespray really bad traffic areas.



January 20 2006, 6:38 AM 

I agree with both guys above . Talk to Rick.
Also use the tank on the cimex. If you have to
pre-spray use Encap punch and only on really
trashed carpet. You should have no problems.



when they say trashed

January 20 2006, 6:56 AM 

All the above are answers are the only way to go. When these guys say trashed they mean trashed. They have been doing it for a while but when I started trashed to me was like in HWE and I would prespray problem areas but the Cimex and releasit are a killer combo so there is very little you have to prespray.
You don't just buy a Cimex at excellent-supply you buy the product, great support and marketing help.


Re: when they say trashed

January 20 2006, 11:58 AM 

Search, Search, Search!

use the search feature above (the one in bold blue lettering, there are 2 search buttons and that can be confusing. but 1 is for the forum, the other is for the site).

this topic has been discussed more in-depth many times.

take care --- Derek.

Current Topic - Statring Questions.
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS