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Candle Wax

January 23 2006 at 4:28 PM

Here is an interesting one...did an estimate for an empty apartment, and one of the rooms has a good 2 x 2 area full of wax. I know im going to have to remove the big stuff the best i can, but any suggestions what to do with what is still on the carpet? Has anyone had to do this before??

This message has been edited by DDcarpclean on Jan 23, 2006 4:29 PM
This message has been edited by DDcarpclean on Jan 23, 2006 4:28 PM


Re: Candle Wax

January 23 2006, 5:37 PM 

is it a 2 inch or 2 foot sounds like a insert to me


candle wax

January 23 2006, 5:50 PM 

I clean the carpet of an event place that has candle wax all over the place freeze it, then use Citrus Solve on it, then encap over it. The event place moves these candles all around during the event and spill tons of it. I've had
several that were a foot or more and it comes right up. This a high end commercial carpet.


Re: Candle Wax

January 23 2006, 11:53 PM 

Just a rag and an iron. If wax is colored, it my leave a color stain. Red relief and stain magic to finish

Greg Loe


Re: Candle Wax

January 24 2006, 8:58 AM 

If you do not have a hot TM try what Rick and Greg said. I usually if I can get my hoses in will just rinse them out with hot water (my TM gets about 190 at the wand). I use a citrus based gel and let it soak for a few minutes and usally the hot water will rinse the rest. I did try to iron out some wax one time using brown paper (which I was taught in an IICRC class) and that turned into a nightmare. Stick to a Towel like Greg said.

Bob Kinnarney

Re: Candle Wax

January 24 2006, 10:40 AM 

Take your towel and soak it in water. Ring out most of the water. Use iron set at medium heat. Place towel on wax, use the steam button on iron. 15 or 20 seconds. Check wax, repeat if needed moving to new area of towel. I have done a church over the past 14 years or so doing this procedure after the Easter services ( hundreds of spots) and the wax comes rather easily and fast. Larger areas of wax can to done in the same manner. Scraping off the the top portions with a bone scraper or knife of some sort. I have also used a wire brush to do this. I have found over the years that heat and a damp towell is the most effective way to remove wax. I have tried all of the above methods. The damp towel ads moisture and keeps the carpet from getting too hot, and keeps the iron from sticking to the towel. After a bit of practice I think you may find that this method is most efective and takes less time when there are several areas or a couple of larger ones.
As a side note. I have had customers follow the tips out of the self help guru's books. They used the paper bag and iron trick. Yep, you guessed it. They scortched the carpet.


Mark Hart

Re: Candle Wax

January 24 2006, 1:48 PM 

Ditto to all of the above. Don't forget to charge real well.



January 24 2006, 3:09 PM 

Thanks for the info guys, im sure it'll do the trick!

Current Topic - Candle Wax
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