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Sell it at your price...

January 23 2006 at 10:12 PM

Don't buckle, don't blink, look the customer in the eye and say, sorry, we cannot deliver that service at that price. We owned a Vacuum Shop for several years in our small town with one other vac store. One day a customer came in wanting some vac bags for his Miele vac. The convervsation went like this. Custy; Look buddy I can get the same stuff from your competitor for less money. Me; I am sorry sir, I can't let you have it at that price, you'll have to get it from my competitor. Custy; Well I would, but I can't. Me; Why can't you? Custy; Well their out of them right now. Me; Well if you will come back when I am out, I will give them to you free. What the custy was saying in reality was; I want that guy's price, but I want your investment in inventory. I want that guy's price but I want your investment in a clean showroom, your well trained staff, the way you run your business. Gosh, you know, come to think of it, I guess I want everything about you, I just want the meathead's price. BUT, if you really want the way we do those things, you are going to have to pay our price. This is true in retail or the service business. People in our area know that we sell at a higher price and they have to wait to get service. Price makes a statemnt. It makes a credibility statement. A low price makes makes a negative, derogatory, diminutive statement about products or service, while a high price makes a positive statement about that product or service. This is hard to grasp, I know, but if you are going to be sucessful and earn a good living you must learn that not all that call you for service are honest.

This message has been edited by raymoody on Jan 23, 2006 10:13 PM

Kevin Jones

Re: Sell it at your price...

January 24 2006, 3:57 AM 

Excellent post! Thank you.

Mark Dullea

Re: Sell it at your price...

January 24 2006, 7:37 AM 

Perception is reality.

Doug DeLoach

Re: Sell it at your price...

January 24 2006, 7:54 AM 

Your insight and experience is encouraging and appreciated. Thanks.

This message has been edited by DougDeLoach on Jan 24, 2006 7:55 AM

Ed Valentine

Terrific Thread!

January 24 2006, 8:33 AM 


This has to rank as one of the best threads I have ever read, truthfully.

And, it could only come from someone like yourself with such longtime experience.

Very, very good, sir.

Good Fortune;
Ed Valentine


Re: Terrific Thread!

January 24 2006, 11:45 AM 

thanx for the words of encouragement Ray!

have a great week sir --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Terrific Thread!

January 24 2006, 12:08 PM 

I agree with the comments above.

That's one of the things I've always liked about Ray,
he has PERCEPTION when it comes to business.
When Ray speaks, I listen.

Hey Ray,
Tell 'em about "Green Eggs and Ham".

Rick Gelinas


George Barnett


January 24 2006, 2:22 PM 

Just had similar situation in chain I service. Chain cut the service frequency and I raised the price to compensate for extra time and expenses to maintain appearance level between services. Several were told to "try" someone else that was cheaper. Those that tried the cheaper person had to accept poor service and the service was performed during customer hours, not good. 2 of the 4 called and said, "no more of this guy, I want you back". The cheaper service abandoned the other 2 and now I'm back on better terms than ever.

Speaking with a location manager that was not told to try the other service about the situation, he said, "George, all you have to do is stand still".

George Barnett
Owner: G & G Services
HydroTech Distributor

Aaron Baum


January 24 2006, 5:29 PM 



Aaron Baum
Brownell's E-Z Clean, LLC

"Standing Ovation on that one!"

This message has been edited by AaronBaum on Jan 24, 2006 5:29 PM



January 24 2006, 6:42 PM 

I can only say I am humbled by your responses, if I can make just one little improvement in your business, I will be rewarded. I thank each one who responded.

Current Topic - Sell it at your price...
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