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Pile lifter question

January 28 2006 at 12:02 PM
Jim England  

Rick does the pile lifter machine come with those dirt catchers or are they an option, and if so how much? Can you use them to pre vac before you pre spray?

Jim E


Rick Gelinas

Re: Pile lifter question

January 29 2006, 10:48 AM 

The Collection Hoppers are an accessory attachment.
It's AMAZING how well they work. They pickup ALL the dry debris as the brushes lift the pile. The Collection Hoppers are $304.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Pile lifter question

January 29 2006, 11:05 AM 

Rick, does that mean they do not pick up wet debris as it is cleaning? Another couple of questions please, could you post a picture of them? My concern is it would restrict you from getting as close to the wall. They would say a lot of time and would be worth every penney to someone who uses the machines every day as we do. Is it the same cost for 15" and 20"?

Jim England

Pile lifter

January 29 2006, 2:56 PM 

Rambo I have the pile lifter that Rick sells although I didn't buy it from Rick, he wasn't selling them then. I also have the collection hoppers for the machine. I haven't tried to pre vacuum with them on the machine yet, thats why I ask Rick if they would work for that after seeing his video of the machine. I can tell you though that they work great for collecting all the debre that the machine kicks up wet or dry. We normally only use one collector on the back of the machine which works great sometimes you have to go over a wad of debre a couple of times, but not often. Using the collector on the back of the machine only, lets you get right up to the walls just like you normally would. It saves a lot of time not having to pick up or vac up all those little mousies. It also allows you to groom the carpet with the machine. The way we clean residential carpets is we pre vac, pre spray, gls, post pad quickly with our 12" or 17" rotary to pick up some of the surface dirt, eliminating the potential of the dirty sock problem and scrubbing with the cotton pad any spots that might not have come out. We then groom the carpet with the gls giving it a little more cleaning. Now if you have a gls the hopper will not fit on the back of the machine because of the wheels it will only fit on the front. It is easy to modify the gls to put the collector on the rear of the machine. As I said we have the same machine that Rick sells but we also have a gls which is basically the same machine and we wanted to be able to put the collection box on the back of our gls to. If you buy the collection box and want to know how to make them work on the gls let me know. Trust me they are well worth the effort.

Jim E

Joe M

? For Jim England

January 29 2006, 6:33 PM 

Hi Jim,

I read yor post about cleaning with the GLS and post padding. Sounds like a great way to clean.

My question is when you post pad, say with a challenger do you wet the pads first or use them dry?

Thanks and any advise you can give to this new bee would be a help.

Jim England


January 30 2006, 12:13 AM 

We either wet the pads with water and ring them out some and spray some encap juice on them or just spray encap juice on them. The wet cotton pad picks up more dirt than a dry pad. Plus if there is a stain or two that didn't come out the extra juice on the pad helps take it out. The pads don't have to be real wet just good and damp. This really makes the carpet look brighter and cleaner (IMO). This extra step doesn't take long because its not your main part of the cleaning just helping the encap process look better.

Jim E

Joe M

Thanks Jim

January 30 2006, 10:05 AM 

Thanks Jim. I need all the help I can get.

Current Topic - Pile lifter question
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