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Told'm "ain't no way"

January 31 2006 at 1:09 PM

George Barnett  

I mix encap work in with my tile floor maintenance so not nearly as many carpet jobs.

Ran across my first "ain't no way" carpet mess. My floor maintenance helper convinced me to load up my Cimex and Releasit to clean his buddy's empty double wide. Since I would be servicing an account in the same area figured it would be a nice extra job. My help guaranteed my minimum and volunteered to do all the work. I'm good with that. He warned of the stains and the smell from his buddy's chihuahuas.

As soon as I walked in the front door the only words that came to mind were "ain't no way!" and my help then embarked on a mission to prove me right. The smell was horrid and the brown stain on the blue-green carpet was a shade that you can only use your imagination to envision.

After mixing the encap solution and using Cimex to apply, the carpet changed to a more uniform color of blue-green but alas the load was too much for even a 100 passes. Overcome by the brown stains and halfway through the help asked how much it would cost to stop at this point and I suggested he finish.

The help learned his lesson to get my opinion before selling a job and I know when "ain't no way!" comes to mind.

Walk away.

George Barnett
Owner: G & G Services
HydroTech Distributor


Rick Gelinas

Re: Told'm "ain't no way"

January 31 2006, 4:24 PM 

I've seen a few like that through the years too

A wise man indeed... "Walk away"
Life's too short.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Told'm "ain't no way"
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS