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New product information sheets...

February 2 2006 at 5:32 PM

Rick Gelinas  

We've put together a couple of encap product information sheets.
Here are the PDF versions of these product pages...

Releasit Brochure

Cimex & Encap Info

Excellent Supply Products

Just thought I'd share 'em with ya.

Rick Gelinas


Re: New product information sheets...

February 2 2006, 8:24 PM 

Very nice looking Rick


Aaron Baum

Really Nice!

February 2 2006, 9:23 PM 


Those are really nice pieces. I have been working on about 16 target businesses the last day. I am following your method of "How to get all the commercial work you can handle." So far it has been working just like you have said. I have been 99% sucessful getting the decision makers name from the gatekeeper, and did send them all out a sales letter yesterday, asking for the presentation and demo. How long would you suggest I wait to call back upon these people, to start following up? I also handed out alot of the flyers and business cards to the higher end hotels in my area, hoping this might lead to something. I am really wanting to purchase the 19" Cimex, but need the phone to start ringing a little more than it has. LOL . I really have been learning alot from you and everyone here on the board, and appreciate all of the generous support you all offer. It is great to have people like you in this world !!

Thanks A Million!!
Aaron Baum
Brownell's E-Z Clean,LLC

This message has been edited by AaronBaum on Feb 2, 2006 9:24 PM


Re: Really Nice!

February 3 2006, 8:46 AM 

Rick, like a fine wine, you just get better as time goes on. Some of the best info sheets on any product ever.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Really Nice!

February 3 2006, 1:53 PM 

Thanks guys

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - New product information sheets...
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS