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Jon Don

February 4 2006 at 9:59 AM

Hey Rick did you see what jon don is offering in their latest flyer maybe time to sell them Releasit so they'll have a good encap product!


Rick Gelinas

Re: Jon Don

February 4 2006, 10:50 AM 

Yes Rick... I've tested their "encap" juice. I won't be negative about what I found. But I would urge all of you to get some and test it yourself. Try drying some in a dish and see how well it crystallizes. And try cleaning with it too. It's strange to see how many companies are trying to enter the encap market with products that still leave room for improvement. The unfortunate thing is that these so called encap products give the better ones (encap as a whole) a bad name when someone tries it and gets poor results.

Another interesting development is that Jon-Don is showing a Cimex in their flier - yet according to the importer (Cimex USA) - they have not signed them on as a distributor. There's no distributor agreement in place for them. Odd they're advertising a machine that they're not approved to sell, don't ya think? This is how business gets done I guess.

Rick Gelinas



February 4 2006, 12:36 PM 

Obviously they have long ago stopped cleaning or they would improve on their encap line. Time for Encapman ( w/strong right arm) to set them right. I know all the mgrs in the Atlanta store very well I'm going there Mon or tues and I'll ask them when they are going to carry a decent encap product now that they are selling the Cimex. I always like the deer in headlights look!LOL


Patrick Matte

Re: Releasit

February 6 2006, 7:47 PM 

Hey Rick,why bother waiting,just order from Rick G.!

Current Topic - Jon Don
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS