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February 4 2006 at 4:03 PM

Del Scrivner  

I currently own an HWE portable and do OK for myself. However, Rick has made me seriously get a Cimex with the Feb. special.

So one question I have is how do you guys deal with stores that have display racks of clothes and stuff like that? Charge them more and move them, avoid them, have them have employees pre-move or be on hand to move them, etc?

Thanks guys

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Re: Question????

February 4 2006, 5:23 PM 

most of the time its not dirty under them , but make arrangments before hand like when doing qoute ask them what kind of job are they looking,
Let them know if they need to move anything. or give them a price with you moving and one with them moving



February 5 2006, 5:55 AM 

Hey Del,

It depends what I have to move. I just did a job
where there were some boxes stored on the floors
and I moved them to clean. It was actually easier
to move them, then to clean around them.

On the other hand I clean a fitness center and I don't
move anything. I might do a couple of sets with the weights while I'm there but I don't move the equipment. Sometimes I will use my sprint to try and clean under
things. It's great in smaller spaces.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Question???

February 5 2006, 7:12 AM 

Most retail -- we just end up working around the stuff. Here's the conversation that we have with the manager to get them to agree to this.

Here's how we handle it:

First of all we ask the manager if they want all the items moved. Start by telling them you'll be happy to move anything they'd like, or you can work around some of the items. If they say yes, we ask them to help the technician move the items - because we don't want to be responsible for damaging items. And if they help the technician move items we'll get also done quicker. Plus our technician doesn't know the store layout as well as they do, so if he puts the items back, it won't likely be in the right place. Therefore we'll need your help moving things.

Store staff want 2 things... They want to go home ASAP. And they don't want their store layout messed up. You have offered to work with them to accomplish whatever they need. However in the context of what we've laid out, they will most often tell you to just go around the stuff. And if they do want things moved - they will now be the ones sliding the racks for you.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Question????
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