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Upholstery Cleaning Ideas...

February 11 2006 at 12:51 AM
Aaron Baum  

Hi Everyone,

I stopped at a Rentway store tonight in my area, and got talking with the assistant manager. I gave him my card, explained about the encap carpet cleaning method, is interested, but asked what I might be able to quote him on some loveseat and sofa cleanings. These are rented furnishings, so you can imagine what some come back looking like. I do offer hot water extraction, but was not sure if I could offer the encapsulation method, still do a good job and offer him a reasonable price that they might go for. I thought I would run this by all of you here, for your professional opinions. Thank You in advance for any ideas!!

To Your Success,
Aaron Baum
Brownell's E-Z Clean, LLC


Re: Upholstery Cleaning Ideas...

February 11 2006, 6:41 PM 

good idea, it could certainly work.

to learn how to clean uph with Encap, use the Search feature if you haven't already.

thanx --- Derek.


Re: Upholstery Cleaning Ideas...

February 11 2006, 7:18 PM 

I use three different methods to clean uph., The really trashed I use HWE. My price for a 6' sofa and a 5' love seat would be $99 sofa $89 L/seat. Most sofas we do now are much larger 7 & 8' are more standard.


Encap/Upholstery cleaning

February 11 2006, 7:48 PM 


I read your posting, I have a few ideas.

Firstly, you stated:

"I gave him my card, explained about the encap carpet cleaning method, is interested, but asked what I might be able to quote him on some loveseat and sofa cleanings."

Well, as you mentioned you already do HWE, I would have quoted him on the spot with HWE, because he basically "told" you he had that need. I have an expression that I rely on all the time, "I can't clean something I can't sell". I would have quoted him on HWE and then have tested and tried Encap on my own see wheter in the case of upholstery it would be faster, better or more economical.

There may be an issue with Encap and Upholstery as the fabric is very different ie. pile construction, pile depth, backing and the like.

My idea would try a automotive OP/waxer-buffer for around $50...two samples can be found below.

I actually use the latter, battery powered unit to scrub bad areas and stair lips, works wonderfully.

You'll maybe just have to re-fit the bottom plates with velcro or something similar to hold the pad in place...there's absolutely no reason it should work unless it's an issue with the fabric depth...meaning the encapsulated/dirt crystals will have any place to hide until the vacuuming process is performed.

In most cases with upholstery...just below that fabric is foam(or filling)...and I'm not sure if the crystals would have enough room to settle, the foam may be an issue, or the vacuum process would be hindered based on the fabric construction.

Another point...with that kind of a business, "furniture rental" who would perform the second step of vacuuming...them or you.

And, maybe the most important piece of advice...these Encap, HWE, OP are just tools.
If you look at the scenario you were in: "him mentioning or rather telling you he had a need for upholstery cleaning, you should have quoted him and asked him when he wanted you to come by and start. >>>> You have to look at all this from a certain perspective: >>> I'm a business person who just happens to clean carpets and upholstery...what method you use is another story...some things work better or faster or more economical ($$$) in certain situations.

Maybe this shed some light on your situation, hopefully it helped.

Successful wishes.

kind regards,



Great post Hugh..

February 11 2006, 8:54 PM 

especially the pictures.

Aaron Baum

Thank You!

February 11 2006, 9:19 PM 

Thank You, to all who gave me advice on this upholstery cleaning. Thre pics are great Hugh! THank You very much, and I need to get better at closing the sale, like you said, when I was there. I will follow up on this, and see how it works out.

Thanks Again,
Aaron Baum
Brownell's E-Z Clean, LLC

Current Topic - Upholstery Cleaning Ideas...
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