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I ponder...

February 12 2006 at 12:47 AM

If a custy has fleas.....Will using a Encap + Protector will encapsulate the fleas and eggs??? hmmm


Re: I ponder...

February 12 2006, 10:15 AM 

Maybe the eggs, but not the fleas. I would still be careful in this area of Pest Control, very regulated in our state.


Del Scrivner

When life hands you lemons, make lemonde

February 12 2006, 7:50 PM 

I would suggest you embrace the situation and start a flea circus, you can use it as a sideshow form of entertainment while you clean.

Seriously whatever you do, DO NOT give them any kind of verbal or written guantees of any kind for pest reduction. I do spray some Steri-Fab (but not on carpet- cationic, strips protector and voids warranties).

I simply give them a brochure from the manufacturer and tell them that I can apply it for them and what the fee is. I use it mostly on mattresses.


Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Clay Carson

Re: When life hands you lemons, make lemonde

February 12 2006, 8:41 PM 

Yes, it's true that you can't promise to kill pests without entering the back door into the pest control field. And we don't want that since then we are subject to all the regulations that we know very little about.

But I can't imagine that fleas actually LIKE having Releasit sprayed all over them, even if it doesn't kill them. I mean, it must be as annoying as all get out to have a giant Cimex machine ruining your flea village and raining oceans of Releasit down on your flea family!

So why not inject some truth-in-advertising and just say: "We may not kill the fleas, but we promise to annoy and irritate them!!"


Del Scrivner


February 12 2006, 11:17 PM 

They may not perform as well as expected in the circus after that kind of treatment Clay. They may even try to unionize, and nobody wants that- organized fleas.

However you handle it you may want to clean, apply product, wait 7 days and clean again. I know this is an encap board, but I would HWE that bad boy- to remove the flea carcasses since Clay wants to kill'em all. If you use Punch maybe you could then have an encapsulated flea museum?????

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Current Topic - I ponder...
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS