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Duel & Triple Encapping/Pad capping ? for Rambo

February 12 2006 at 8:08 AM

Rambo, saw you talked about doing this and was curious to how this was performed. Would be greatly appreciated if you would explain.




Re: Duel & Triple Encapping/Pad capping ? for Rambo

February 12 2006, 10:28 AM 

SWseven, On some jobs we will run 2 Cimexes and one GLS. Or 2 GLS machines and 1 dual speed Betco bonnet machines with pads. It all depends on the amount of carpet, the degree of soil. We did a job Saturday in a church fellowship hall (lots of food spills, tea, coffee, pizza, etc.) We used 2 Cimexes, and followed with bonnets to reduce the chance of wick backs. We did not padcap this job once before and had wickbacks, since then, none. It is CGD olefin. This is a extremely fast system and almost embarrassing how fast we clean this 5150 sq. ft.


Re: Duel & Triple Encapping/Pad capping ? for Rambo

February 12 2006, 1:49 PM 

what kind of pads did you use on the Cimex to encap for food and drink spills etc. and what combo (machine/pad(s)) did you use to post bonnet?
I have a night club I do every 2 months. I've been HWE for it years but have a Cimex now and have been using the heck out of it, but not on food and drink spills.


Re: Duel & Triple Encapping/Pad capping ? for Rambo

February 12 2006, 5:34 PM 

Fiber Plus grey pads from Rick on the Cimex, 100% cotton bonnets from Plus Mfg. on the bonnet machine (type of machine is mentioned in the post) run at 300 rpm.

Mark Hart

Re: Duel & Triple Encapping/Pad capping ? for Rambo

February 12 2006, 6:25 PM 

Just remember when it comes to food & drink spills, less is better. Fight the tendencty to add juice because it appears to be a bad spill. Follow Rick's directions to the letter & you probably won't have to pad cap. Once I figured this out, no more wick backs.


Re: Duel & Triple Encapping/Pad capping ? for Rambo

February 13 2006, 11:52 AM 

what i do for spots that might have a lotta volume of liquid:

Cimex/Encap with FP pads followed by the "Cimex Bonnets" that Rick sells. while they are synthetic material, they do hold & remove soil...i will run these dry over certain areas that need it if the FP pads alone did not completely remove the appearance of soil...though sometimes i will allow some Encap to flow through the pads.

thanx --- Derek

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