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Need advice on better edging brush.

February 15 2006 at 7:34 PM
Dan Lincoln  

We currently own two edging brushes that Rick sells but we need to solve this problem with a bigger and beter brush.

1. We clean casinos and it is very difficult to get close enough to the edge of the slot machines with the cimex. It leaves about a 4" gap that the cimex cannot clean. The slot machines stick out slightly and prevents us from getting closer. If we use this edging brush this simply takes to long. This edge next to slots is extreamly soiled. Anyone know of a brush that is about 4" wide and about 10-12" long? Idea on website that carry brushes would also be helpfull. Thanks in advance.


Re: Need advice on better edging brush.

February 15 2006, 11:06 PM 

Why not buy a small OP machine


Mark Hart

Re: Need advice on better edging brush.

February 15 2006, 11:24 PM 

Why not use a swivel scrub brush that is used for grout and edges?

Jim England

better edging brush

February 16 2006, 10:27 AM 

We use a 12 inch rotary floor machine sold at jon-don and hesco for about $360.00. They only weigh about 35lbs. We use them to run along baseboards or tight areas that the gls or larger machines won't fit. They are great for doing stairs because they have a handle on top of the motor and with the adjusta glide brush on, really scrubs the stairs using encap juice or just pre scubing. We also use them in residential for post padding after encapping with the gls. Very versatile machine and easy to carry in and out or up and down stairs.

Jim E


Michael Norlen


February 16 2006, 12:11 PM 

I use a combiation of sprint and cimex cleaning I find the sprint edge tool an excellent answer to edge cleaning

Current Topic - Need advice on better edging brush.
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