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Punch for OP

February 18 2006 at 1:44 AM

I have a Commercial Breeze Op machine. I was wondering if you guys have ever used Punch or Releasit DS for OP cleaning application (Is it even a good idea??).

Hopefully Rick can enlighten me also. Thanks.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Punch for OP

February 18 2006, 6:40 AM 

Encap-Punch works AWESOME for OP cleaning. That's one of the things it was formulated for. It's actually a multi-purpose encapsulator - (1) Pre-spray, (2) HWE Rinse, (3) Bonnet/OP. And it does all 3 things well. We spent MONTHS working on this formulation (btw it was the hardest formula to develop of all our products). What you have with Punch is a lower foaming encap detergent with higher solvency. For OP cleaning it gives you the benefit of double cleaning... absorption & encapsulation = win-win

Rick Gelinas


Patrick Matte

Re: Punch for OP

February 18 2006, 8:14 AM 

All of Rick's detergents can be used with the OP method.Lately I've been running Punch in my multi-spayer using a OP-HWE-OP system on the more trashed carpets.Prespray with Punch,go over with my Challenger,HWE(200-250 psi) with Punch again in the rinse stage(metered about 1 gpm),the go back over with the Challenger for even more cleaning.Per lable,use it HOT!As always Rick...great products!

Darren Darner

Re: Punch for OP

February 18 2006, 10:04 AM 

Punch also works great as a prespray before encapping with the Cimex on those really nasty greasy commercials - Thanks Rick



Re: Punch for OP

February 18 2006, 1:17 PM 

i recently posted how i used Punch with my Challenger OP for the 1st time with good results. looking forward to using it more often on various carpets with varying degrees of soil.

thanx --- Derek.

Chris Confessore

Punch for OP how about GLS residential

February 18 2006, 3:52 PM 

Hi Rick , I do mostly residential with my GLS will Punch be good for trashed or traffic lanes to help with bad areas?



February 18 2006, 5:40 PM 

Hey Patrick....that seems like alot of work and it takes alot of time. DO you find that most custy would pay for all the steps??

George Blanas

Releasit Punch

March 21 2006, 2:04 PM 

Hi Rick,
I just ordered a Challenger from you. It comes with a case of Releasit Punch, I'm wondering will the Punch get white momentarily as the machine passes over it? Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

Joe M

I use Punch

February 18 2006, 8:14 PM 

I add a touch of Punch in my Red Wine Vinaigrette, gives the salad an extra kick. It's a good thing.

Sorry, I just had to do it.


Rick Gelinas

Re: I use Punch

February 19 2006, 7:36 AM 

Yes Encap-Punch works well on traffic lanes. Using Punch in front of Encap-Clean can produce great results. Encap-Punch has more solvency than Encap-Clean. It shares the same Crystalon3 polymer and Soileze protector than Encap-Clean has, but the detergent package in Encap-Punch has been built differently. What you have with Encap-Punch is a 3-in-1 encapsulating product: Punch is ideal for using as an encap traffic lane pre-spray, an encap HWE rinse detergent, and an encap bonnet/pad cleaner. It has good cleaning performance and it crystallizes beautifully. Give it a try, I think you'll like how it performs.

Rick Gelinas


Patrick Matte

Re: Thang..

February 19 2006, 9:43 AM 

Yes and yes!You are right 100%!That is alot of work and not every home needs that prescription though,believe me,if I can just OP a carpet,I will.As far as pricing goes, our clients are sold on "clean" carpets not a particular method.For instance,Thursday am cleaning my wife,(who just happens to be one of our sales staff quoted this particular job.BTW,the homeowner raved about my sales person who inspected/quoted his home.)I show up and as I'm setting up the husband proceeds to inform me that last time he had his carpets cleaned "they'er in and out in 30 minutes".Every time he noticed something different in our methodology I would hear the all to familiar;"the other guys didn't do that or didn't use one of those" from the corner gaurds all the way to the use of the Challenger.

On the commercial side,last night was a prime example of the Cimex and Challenger-"doulble barrel" knockout.A fitness center/spa we do quarterly.All encap and some pad-cap.All main areas Cimexed(using DS) and the smaller areas between the work out equipment recieved the Challenger(using Punch)As I have stated before:I would never,ever consider commercial before the mighty mex/releasit combo,Thanks again Rick for truly wonderful products!

Mark Hart

Re: Thang..

February 20 2006, 1:24 PM 

He Pattric,
You really are serious. My wife won't let me clean her. LOL


Patrick Matte

Re: Thang..

February 20 2006, 6:56 PM 

Hey Mark thanks for the laugh.I had to re-read my post.After a large job and feeling it,I needed that!

Current Topic - Punch for OP
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS