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I just couldnt wait....

February 24 2006 at 6:24 PM
Aaron Smith  

All this hype got the best of me last night....

I wasnt scheduled to clean my theater until next week, but i found myself actually going to all my commercial acct looking for work at midnight last night. After switching a few schedules, I started the movie theater last night (1am-8am). I just had to see what the encap buzz was about. Well, I am thrilled with the results!! Actually looks better than when I HWE'd the same halls and lobby 5 weeks ago. Going in this evening to put the finishing touches on it. Was running short on the DS, dropped down to 3oz/gallon and maintained the same results. As far as the pads went, got roughly 4k sq ft each, with a total production number of around 7 sq ft last night. Now, just wish I had the shower feed, or something mounted. I found out that my backpack sprayer worked very well also. I managed to operate the rotary with one hand, while spraying with the other about 12 inches in front of my cleaning path.

Dont feel that I was getting the 300 sq ft/gal, but it was my "virgin" night with encap, and can only get better....well, after my hands quit hurting that is!!1

I see a cimex in the near future...thanx for the great products


Rick Gelinas

Re: I just couldnt wait....

February 26 2006, 9:51 AM 

Aaron it sounds like you're on your way to making MAX profits in the commercial world. Excellent!

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - I just couldnt wait....
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