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Rick G!

March 1 2006 at 10:24 PM
Kevin Jones  

I ordered some 8" pads tonite online and paid extra to have 'em next day air! I know you will, but please see they get here asap! I thought I had plenty, but my new guy did great on the Cimex but was working things too much and wore my pads down quicker than they should've been worn! I think (hope) 6 fresh ones and 3 half used ones'll get me through tomorrow, but I've definitely gotta have the new ones when I start Monday morning!!


Rick Gelinas

Re: Rick G!

March 1 2006, 10:32 PM 

We'll get 'em sent out tomorrow.
Now let's just hope UPS does their part.
Why is it that whenever you expect it quick, UPS drops the ball?
What can Brown do for you? LOL

Thanks for the order!
Sounds like you're staying busy - keep up the good work.

Rick Gelinas

Kevin Jones

Thank you, kind sir.

March 1 2006, 11:16 PM 

As always, I appreciate it. We got the one floor done today and did it with only one Cimex, so I'm glad for me that I didn't order another one! Funny thing is, I'm not making much on this job. My employee swears I'm making at least $5,000! lol I wish. I'm not losing money, but I'm not making much either. It's a major hotel in our area. Paddin' that resume, baby. "Well, yes ma'am, we can definitely get your carpet clean! One of our biggest accounts is ______ Hotel and they love us there!"
The boy is sharp, though. If he can learn the marketing techniques, he's gonna be an animal out there.

Current Topic - Rick G!
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS