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The best thing you can do as a parent for your children..

March 3 2006 at 8:18 PM

Is to love their mother. The best thing you can do as a CCer is to do business with Rick and Excellent Supply.
Rick and his crew handled a problem for me that was above and beyond my expectations. We as CCers need to have our delivery system in place if we are going to be successful. What I mean by that is; show up on time all of the time, do not promise more than we can deliver, have clean and neat equipment, render our service with a smile (even when it hurts to do so) be honest, be helpful. I say, use Rick and the way he runs his business as an example.


Rick Gelinas

Re: The best thing you can do as a parent for your children..

March 4 2006, 7:57 AM 

Thank you for those kind words Ray.
I love helping my customers!
It's really not a big deal.

Here's what we shoot for:

Someone far wiser than I am once said...
"Practice giving, and people will give to YOU. They will pour into YOUR laps a fine measure, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing. For with the measure that YOU are measuring out, they will measure out to YOU in return."

These words apply to ALL areas of life (including business).

My background in business is from the cleaning business. Having been a carpet cleaner for the past 24 years, I understand both sides of this fence. I know how tough it is to run a successful service business. A good customer (and their ALL good customers) deserves to be treated with proper care IMHO. So that's what we try to do. Like I said, it's really not a big deal.

Rick Gelinas


Re: The best thing you can do as a parent for your children..

March 4 2006, 8:32 PM 

i know people like to poke fun at this board and call you boyz names, but i have to say this is a fine group of men with good intentions!


Current Topic - The best thing you can do as a parent for your children..
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