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Add ons?

March 11 2006 at 7:37 AM

Lately I have had several customers asking
me to do a little more than what they are
paying for. It has happened encapping and also
HWE. After giving my price and the customer
agreeing to the work. they are asking me for
favors/extra's? As long as your here can you clean
a small area for me (encapping). Yesterday
after HWE The customer calls me to ask if I could
touch up his walk in closet where his new puppy has
decided to do his business. The walkin was about 200sq
ft. I don't mind doing extra work but this is becoming
a frequent request from a lot of customers. The way I look
at it is I'll do it once. The next time it's added to the
price. Everyone wants something for nothing. I feel like
I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. If you don't
do it for free you can forget them ever calling you back.
Even if the work was outstanding. they will remember you
as the gut who wanted the extra money. Just venting..



Patrick Matte

Re: Add ons?

March 11 2006, 8:24 AM 

I have nothing wrong doing extras for clients but I typically will find something to do and then after I'm done I'll let them know what I've done for them.Most rarely ask to touch this up or hit that,why... because its rude and disrespectful.When it does happen (and you know its type who does this with everyone no matter what industry)I'll say sure,depending on the favor they're asking,but politely remind them that I'll be glad to do it this time even though it wasn't in the quote.Hopefully they get the fact that they just recieved service that has a dollar value attached to it for nothing.Anyways,good Sunday morning to all.


Re: Add ons?

March 11 2006, 12:17 PM 

an IICRC instructor brought this up at 1 of my classes years ago. she said when they get asked this, they say, "sure Jan, we can clean that walk-in closet for you absolutely! we'll add the (200sq.ft. x 30cents =) $60.00 to your bill. I'll go ahead and clean that now if you'd like."

i've found once a client knows they can get you to do freebies, they grow to expect them. like dr. Phil says, "you teach people how to treat ya".

thanx --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Add ons?

March 11 2006, 5:37 PM 

I've never objected to doing little extras.

In fact I used to have a successful flier that showed a box of 12 donuts and a 13th donut setting in front leaning up against the box. The tag-line read - "We Still Provide A Baker's Dozen" And then under that it went on to talk about the old baker's dozen, and how so many businesses these days provide service that falls short of a dozen. Then it stated that we feel that when you agree to do business with us you should get what you pay for, in fact wherever possible we'll even give something extra - the baker's dozen.

You probably are already giving more than they're paying for in the way of free spot cleaner, free carpet inspection, etc. But I think it's good to even go further if you can. Those little extras go a long way to building customer loyalty. It's like the Saturn dealership that washes your car for free when you come in for an oil change. A friend of mine owns a Saturn and he's always talking about their great service. I think he'll probably buy another Saturn next time. GM figured out how to make people happy selling them an average car simply by offering GREAT service. I think GM has the right idea. Service is a poor commodity in most industries these days. If we can give a little bit extra wherever it's reasonable to do so, we'll be in high demand.

Just my .02

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Mar 11, 2006 6:09 PM

Mark Hart

Re: Add ons?

March 11 2006, 10:31 PM 

I think the question is, When does it stop being reasonable?


Re: Add ons?

March 11 2006, 11:20 PM 

i agree Mark.

i give my bottle of spotter to all new clients. cleaning 200sq.ft. for free in a house is farrr beyond reasonable in my opinion. a 4x6 closet is reasonable for me.

thanx --- Derek


Rick Gelinas

Re: Add ons?

March 12 2006, 8:14 AM 

I agree with you guys too. A closet is fine; 200 sq ft would not be OK.
If the customer was playing me for FREE square footage, I think a nice way to handle it would be something like this...

"Well since you're such a good customer and since we've already cleaned (x) amount of carpet here today, I'll be willing to do that last section that you're asking about at half our usual rate right now."

That should make 'em happy. And you won't get taken advantage of.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Add ons?

March 12 2006, 9:43 AM 

When asked if I would clean that tiny little room over there, however it usualy is never tiny, if it's big enough to charge. I with A Money on my face(not a fake one)sure can, let me run out to the van and grab my roller meter to get that mesuered for u.Most of the time they just say ok thanks & walk away. However if they watch u mesure it usually they thought u were going to just clean it so I say based on the sf thats only $$ should i take care of it. Some say skip it, some some say go 4 it.Keep in mind if it is tiny i'll be happy to take care of that 4 u. is my responce.

oh By The Way There are several reason 2 not even hesitate and go ahead and be happy 2 clean that area 4 them (If it's not huge)
1. They have lots of rentals
2. They have a business.
3. They are sitting at the diningroom table filling out the referal paper front and back .
4. ( if you are a guy)They have a beautiful daughter Heart Eyes , and you are single, and u would like to date her and you need the brownie points

5. (if you are a gal) they have a handsome son, and you are single,and you would like to date him and you need the cookie points

6. You get the idea

Joe M

Hey Rick

March 12 2006, 11:39 AM 

mmmm, donuts.

Grumpy Oldfart

I want to be a Rick Gelinas When I Grow UP

March 19 2006, 8:09 PM 

My mommy says that, if I am good good good and
always finish my pumpkin-flavored dog food,
and never stay up past 2 AM,
I can be a Rick Gelinas When I grow up.

Richard Brooks

Baker's Dozen

March 12 2006, 12:43 PM 

Rick, I love your Baker's Dozen marketing idea. I had not thought of that. If you don't mind, I would like to use your idea in some of my marketing.

Hit The Spot


Rick Gelinas

Re: Baker's Dozen

March 12 2006, 1:10 PM 

Not a problem Richard, go for it

Rick Gelinas

Richard Brooks

Re: Baker's Dozen

March 12 2006, 1:39 PM 

Thanks Rick!!!!!!!!


Re: Baker's Dozen

March 12 2006, 4:22 PM 

hiyas Richard hope you're doing well!

take care --- Derek.

Mark Hart

Re: Baker's Dozen

March 12 2006, 8:57 PM 

I'm glad you all responded the way you did because, in my mind, 200 s/f is 88 s/f smaller than my kitchen & family room 12 x 24. That is no closet. Most rooms are not that big.

Current Topic - Add ons?
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