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Never in a million years....

March 11 2006 at 4:59 PM
Aaron Smith 

I must start by saying that today was the most UNUSUAL day I have ever had...Here we go:

7:30 I wake up to prep the truck, wake my little helper, grab a bite to eat, and make it out to a nearby town to finsh work started last weekend.

Accomplish above menttioned events, leaving customers house at 11:00am, phone rings:

New customer needs livingroom cleaned, arrive 11:30ish: Now this is where it gets CRAZY!!!
I greet "resident" at the door, notice several people walk out back, do my walk through and realize that this is a WH*RE HOUSE! I swear to you guys, the real deal! While cleaning the hall, catch a glimpse of one of the girls putting her clothes on through a crack in the door...Poor thing, so cute, but yet looking so scared. People walking in and out while i'm cleaning, all headed to the same room...5-10 minutes later, the would leave. "Customer" claims he is a Katrina refugee, and never thought the carpet would come that clean, very happy, pays, I leave.

It doesnt stop there...While heading home, recieve another call from a regular (every 2 weeks), want his livingroom done, I show up, and they're dealing weed and pills right in front of me and my boy..oh well, been there, done that, now making money the legit way. While cleaning, his neighbor shows up and wants me to clean her place also..smiled, agreed, performed, and got paid. Regular customer tells me neighbor across will call later.

FINALLY, heading home...Stop at gas station to refill drink, paying, and my buddy Ivan goes up to me, broken arm and all, is excited, and tells me he has a customer for me right around the corner. He had been out putting flyers on doors for his landscaping business (mentioned carpet cleaning), and BANG....within 5 minutes he got a call..Funny thing is, this lady lives 5 feet from a landscaper who was outside CUTTING HIS GRASS!! Walked in, gave the estimate, and booked for Monday.

My gosh, its not even 4pm here yet.

Anyone have a similar day?

Sorry, had to share this


Current Topic - Never in a million years....
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