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Free jobs to get more work

March 21 2006 at 11:16 PM
Joe M 

Does anyone do charity type work to get more work; such as doing a church for free to get your name out there with the members on the church bulitin board?



Free Work !!!

March 22 2006, 7:33 AM 

Hey Joe, I do free work all the time. I clean our Rec center for our kids 2x per year and I also clean our church. "PRO BONO" They put my name in the bullentin and I do receive calls from people. It a good way to get your name out there. My church is very large so I clean it in sections at different times of the year. Here in the Northeast when it slows down in the winter is the best time for me.


Kevin Jones

Re: Free Work !!!

March 22 2006, 8:24 AM 

I clean my son's school carpets for free. This year I'm gonna clean his teacher's carpets for free, but that's because I know how much he's "not" paid! I will do work for people who help me land huge accounts for free.

Kevin Jones

Oh yeh, I forgot....

March 22 2006, 5:30 PM 

I also give a certificate for free carpet cleaning within the first 12 months for all new owners of Habitat for Humanity homes. I do charge for special spotting situations like kool aid, pet urine, etc. and for Scotchgard. However, I offer 1/2 price cleaning after the first one.

Dave Bigler

Re: Oh yeh, I forgot....

March 22 2006, 8:57 PM 

I've provided snow removal and glass cleaning for our local Senior Center for 3 yrears now. When it comes time to clean the carpets I charge a pittance. Does good for the local seniors. Also did the EMT center CC for free.

Dave Bigler
When It Comes to Cleaning - the BIGLER the BETTER!!!



March 24 2006, 12:41 AM 

It's not charity if you're looking to get something in return besides a good feeling.

It's part of your marketing program

Greg Loe

This message has been edited by gregoryloe on Mar 24, 2006 12:41 AM

Kevin Jones

Good catch, Greg.

March 24 2006, 5:37 PM 

Good eye. I was just explaining to my employee yesterday as we were doing a Habitat for Humanity house about how it was part of my marketing program. While you are indeed helping folks out, you are actually jumping up and down waving a flag and shouting to the wealthy Board of Directors "Hey, look over here!" One may get a good feeling, but the ultimate goal is to be seen by those who count. It's unfortunate it has to work that way, but it's the law of the jungle. I get my "feel good" when I give someone a discount who needs their carpets cleaned but really can't afford it. Nobody sees that, so you can take satisfaction in knowing you helped someone out who really needed it.

Current Topic - Free jobs to get more work
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