| Mixing Soileze with EncapCleanMarch 24 2006 at 2:07 PM |
| i am thinking of doing this on at least 1 regular account...it's my largest account.
does the bottle have recommended dilutions to mix it WITH EncapClean? if not, what do you think Rick? or anyone else who does this, how has it been repelling soil for you?
or is it a waste to mix them together, and would i be better off to apply it AFTER cleaning with EncapClean, via my MultiSprayer??
thanx --- Derek. |
| Author | Reply | Aaron Smith
| Re: Mixing Soileze with EncapClean | March 24 2006, 3:22 PM |
I may be wrong, but the DS has the protector already in it, right? If this is the case, why would you mix more with it?
Yep! Just verified, its included in the DS....
This message has been edited by cleaner_n_tx on Mar 24, 2006 3:32 PM
| Soileze In Product | March 24 2006, 3:50 PM |
Derek, Aaron is right it is in the product and it works. On one of the places I clean reguarly (my 1st commercial maint customer) they get alot of red food dye stains on the carpet. I use to have to hit it with Red Relief and Steam to get it up. the last time I hit it with red relief and was waiting for the steam to start, the steam started and I went to remove the spot and it's gone. I'm noticing now that all the spots (at this place) are coming up easier and it has cut my cleaning time way down. So it appears to me that it becomes more affective with more applications. Anyway that's my $.02 Rick G will probably say I'm crazy.
Aaron Smith
| Re: Soileze In Product | March 24 2006, 3:56 PM |
"You aint lyin' on the red stuff!"
Its happened to me once already....Was cleaning a berber for a lady who complained of re-curring spot, and BINGO, the 2 red spills in her livingroom vanished with 2 passes of the machine...Don't ask me why, but it happened! |
| Rick Gelinas
| Re: Soileze In Product | March 24 2006, 9:43 PM |
As commented above, Releasit detergents all contain Soileze.
Soileze is an awesome protector. It was developed by some very sharp chemists. What's unique about Soileze is that it resists oil based, water based and even alcohol based stains. It covers it all really well. And Soileze is completely compatible with our Crystalon3 polymer chemistry.
There are 4 reasons for adding Soileze to our detergents. Fluoro-Chemicals lower surface tension. That's why an egg doesn't stick to a frying pan, since the surface tension of the pan is lower than the egg. By lowering the surface tension of the detergent we're able to (1) get the encapsulated crystal to release more easily, (2) enable detergent o become wetter and clean better, (3) reduce wicking, and (4) and keep the carpet clean longer.
Adding more Soileze will increase the ability of the detergent to be effective in these four areas. Adding as much as 8 ounces per gallon will further lower the surface tension and can cause the detergent to respond even better. So the bottom line is --- yes it will work. It's not actually necessary. But using additional Soileze will always bring benefits to the table.
Rick Gelinas
This message has been edited by cimex on Mar 24, 2006 9:47 PM
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