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Soileze ?

March 26 2006 at 10:46 AM

Should it bead up water if poured on?

We installed a 15 x 25 room of carpet yesterday i sprayed it with soileze when finished,( cause i will cleaning this carpet when needed ) plus a scrap piece. This morning i poured some water on the scrap piece i took home with me and it just went right into the carpet.

Should i try some koolaid on and see if it comes out?


Re: Soileze ?

March 26 2006, 11:22 AM 

If you want water to bead up (and that is what the customer wants to see) the two best products for this is Scotchgard by 3M and Teflon by Dupont. I say this so that you will be prepared to answer the customers question when it comes up.


Re: Soileze ?

March 26 2006, 11:44 AM 

So you are saying it don't have to bead up to be protected?


Re: Soileze ?

March 26 2006, 3:16 PM 

The fibre will dictate whether or not the water will bead up.

A very tight packed fibre will help prevent the water from migrating into the carpet, thus beading up on the surface.

Whereas a looser style of fibre will allow the water in and will not show any beading effect.

Neither is an indication of protection, as the protector is meant to impregnate the fibre and help prevent most liquids from entering that fibre, not fill the surrounding air space.

Hope my down under explanation is acceptable.




Re: Soileze ?

March 26 2006, 5:14 PM 

The make up of the indivdual fiber has the greatest effect on acceptance of any protector. ie; Wool will accept up to 30% of it's weight in moisture and on the other end Olefin will only accept 1/10th of it's weight in moisture. As far as I am concerned, protector applied to Olefin fibers has little or no effect, and is of little value to your customer. We do not apply protectors to Olefin for this reason.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Soileze ?

March 27 2006, 8:59 AM 

Shorty gets the gold star...
"Neither is an indication of protection, as the protector is meant to impregnate the fibre and help prevent most liquids from entering that fibre, not fill the surrounding air space."

That is correct. Fluoro-protectors help the fiber to resist soiling. Water beading on the surface is NOT a characteristic of a fluoro-protector - other additives will need to be added the product for that to occur. If you want to offer beading, DuPont's advanced will do a good job of that. However these beading products will not likely be very compatible with the crystallization of our encap products. That's why we developed Soileze, because it is 100% compatible. Plus it offers excellent protection to the fiber too!

Rick Gelinas


Your both wrong

March 27 2006, 7:40 PM 

Both Rick and Shorty are wrong. All after market protectants are made to create a invisible shield "around" each fiber to keep dirt, dust and liquids from lodging within the carpet. No after-market protector is able to enter the fiber. Some of the fiber would have to be at 190 degress to open the dye sites to allow any protector in. So... all protectors are topical treatments. The mills have a hard time maintaining the correct temp. to apply color into the dye sites. Even the mill applied protectors are on the outer layer of the fiber. They do wear off and need to be re-applied. Cool beans for us.


Rick Gelinas


March 27 2006, 9:37 PM 

I think the comments from Shorty and I are not in disagreement with you on that Ray.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Soileze ?
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