| UntitledMarch 27 2006 at 5:56 PM |
| I have been asked to bid a mall carpet cleaning.(one time 35000 sf) with a possible account if cleaning goes well. I would like to know if I can encap with a 175 roto and pads? What production rates can I expect? as well as results? This carpet is only 3 yrs old.Thank you and God bless.
Steve. |
| Author | Reply | Darren Darner
| Re: Untitled | March 27 2006, 7:20 PM |
Can you get it for .10/SF??? If so....that is $3500.00 Buy a Cimex and Releasit and do a great job and then the machine will be paid for and you can continue to do a great job in the future...just my opinion. Totary will be much slower and not nearly as good results
PS - Could you rent one??????Where are you located???
| Aaron Smith
| Re: Untitled | March 27 2006, 7:37 PM |
The answer to your question is a definate yes! My first few encap jobs were done with a 300 rpm rotary. Shortly thereafter, we bought our Cimex. There are some questions that need to be answered though...Do you have a tank mounted on your machine? We did not, so that slowed us quite a bit. Also, how will you be applying the solution? I would recommend a backpack-type sprayer if you can get one, or just use a helper to spray done approximately 12-24 inches ahead of your path. I didnt have much luck spraying the area, putting the sprayer down, walking over to the machine, scrubbing the cleaner in, then repeating the process. What I found to be easiest, was using the abover mentioned backpack sprayer, spraying with one hand, and scrubbing with the other. Hope this helps... |
| Re: Untitled | March 27 2006, 7:56 PM |
That size of a job would require a Cimex IMO especially if you are going to impress someone. A rotary will work, but not nearly as well. Everyone has seen a rotary at one time or another, but the Cimex, that's a whole new ballgame. |
Rick Gelinas
| Re: Untitled | March 27 2006, 9:46 PM |
You would be killing yourself doing a job that size well with a 175 rpm rotary machine IMHO.
Here's what you really need...
IT KICKS BUTT! 6,000 sq ft per hour of serious production encap cleaning
Rick Gelinas
encapman |
| Mark Hart
| Re: Untitled | March 28 2006, 12:00 AM |
Hey Guys,
This is just a thought. But, if all he has is a 175 rpm scrubber. He probable doesn't have capital for a Cimex. Why not rent a 20" single disk autoscrubber like the Nobles? |
| Anonymous
| Re: Untitled | March 28 2006, 3:22 PM |
Thats is a possibility, but not necessarily true. My partner and I, for instance, have enough capital at our disposal to buy anything we want right now. Whether that be 6 Vortexes, or a new wand from ebay. But we have chosen to start SLOWLY. Get our feet in the door, then buy what we need. Have been buying and selling houses and duplexes with the cash. Sure saves ALOT of money with closing costs! There are virtually none! So, although that may be a true statement, it may not be a as well. One of my favorite things to do, is to be normal...wear jeans with holes in em to Best Buy and go shopping. NO HELP WHAT-SO-EVER! I make my purchase, and leave the store. Actually have "white trash" days when I dont shave, wear my old clothes and go get stares from people. Then there are the important days when I wear my nice clothes and have people talking to me and trying to sell me everything under the sun.
Funny Story: When my partner and I were looking for a van, we stopped into a local Ford dealer. We had the usual salesmen all over us asking if we needed any help. We replied that we were fine, and thank you. Mind you, I had some ratty old Army sweats and a tank top on. I cant recall exactly what Ryan was wearing. Anyways, we were standing there looking at a Roush Mustang when we were arrpoached again. "May I help you with something?" We explained that we were interested in purchasing a van, and asked if they had anything other than what was on the lot. We were then asked "How much do you want to spend?" I responded with "A dollar". "No, really, I have to know this, so I can find something in your price range". "Why should I tell you how much I WANT to spend?" "That's ridiculous!" i told em. I then asked em "How much do YOU want to spend?" He got my drift. He left, never came back, and we spoke with the sales manager, who again, asked us "How much we wanted to spend". Again, I told em "A Dollar". He laughed, I informed him that money was not an issue what-so-ever, and that he just lost his sale. We left promptly.....Moral being: Because someone doesnt have the newest, brightest, faster thing out there, does not mean that they cannot get it and cant afford it. I choose to use my inheritance a little wiser than that.. No ill harm meant or directed towards anyone, just a thought
for the record...Yeah, we have a 'Mex but started with a $300 rotary from ebay
This message has been edited by cleaner_n_tx on Mar 28, 2006 3:24 PM This message has been edited by cleaner_n_tx on Mar 28, 2006 3:23 PM
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