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Cleaning Rates

March 31 2006 at 5:51 PM

Del Scrivner  

What do you guys think of this structure? I based it on an old post I found here.

Cleaning Rates


Sq Ft Price

500 .260 per sq ft
to 750 .250 per sq ft
to 1000 .240 per sq ft
to 1250 .230 per sq ft
to 1500 .220 Per sq ft
to 1750 .210 per sq ft
to 2000 .200 per sq ft
to 2250 .190 per sq ft
to 2500 .180 per sq ft
to 2750 .175 per sq ft
to 3000 .170 per sq ft
to 3500 .165 per sq ft
to 4000 .160 per sq ft
to 4500 .155 per sq ft
to 5000 .150 per sq ft
to 5500 .145 per sq ft
to 6000 .140 per sq ft
to 6500 .135 per sq ft
to 7000 .130 per sq ft
to 7500 .125 per sq ft
7500 .120 per sq ft
$75.00 Minimum applies

Add .02 per sq ft

Add .04 per sq ft

Add .025 per sq ft

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Re: Cleaning Rates

March 31 2006, 6:23 PM 

What the heck is that?


Michael Norlen


March 31 2006, 6:38 PM 

I charge one rate for all my cleaning .37 per sqft includes pre inspection, prevac,moving of furn,
encap,with cimex and in some cases with my sprint,and a 3 month spot cleaning follow up included. I see it this way the more the customer sees my face I'll have a loyal client for life.By the way this is my 20 th year in bus. the last 2 years with this incredible gift from God encap/cimex combo.


I went the other way....

March 31 2006, 6:53 PM 

In my "truckmount days" we were in the .25 to .30 a square foot. Now that we are 98% VLM and Cimexing we have lowered our rates, mainly because of the speed that we now clean at. We do most of the large commercial at .16 now, but each commercial job is inspected, measured and bid indivually. All residential is quoted by phone.

Rick Thode

I'm not GOD Mike

April 1 2006, 2:12 PM 

Thanks Mike for the compliment, but I'm not GOD. Don't worry, my wifes gets confused to because she thinks I'm kind of a DEVIL. LOL.

I'll tell you, a lot of people in Canada have come to appreciate the value of the Releasit/Cimex combo.

Even some of the school boards on the West Coast have gone away from there truck-mounts to the Releasit/Cimex. It's GREAT.

Being a carpet cleaner has been great to me over the last 22 years has puting food on the table, but, now cleaning with the Releasit/Cimex has made it very profitable to actually be in the carpet cleaning business.

Rick Thode
Releasit/Cimex Canada

David Hebert

Re: I'm not GOD Mike

April 2 2006, 10:51 AM 

It amazes me sometimes.

Why do people lower their prices when they find a way
to speed up production and make life easier.

Chances are the client would still pay the old price
and be happy to do so, especially if the cleaning looks
better then with the previous tools used.

The only time my price would vary is when we are not doing
certain tasks and the client is doing them for us, ( vacuuming moving racks or furniture)

Current Topic - Cleaning Rates
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS