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Glazed Ceramic Tile

April 5 2006 at 9:04 PM

I have a church with 11000 sq. ft. to be cleaned. It is 12" squares with a dark blue and grey color, with dark grey grout. It is not very dirty. I want to put the Cimexes into action on this one. Several questions; What type of brushes? What chemicals? Would you use a sealer after cleaning? What would you price it? All open areas. Marble Man, could you help me out?


Patrick Matte

Re: Glazed Ceramic Tile

April 5 2006, 10:08 PM 

Non- TM method: Firm brushes-from Rick,of course.
Small deck or grout brush-for edges
Abstraction or anomally-both are competion for Mr. G.
Challenger w/lots of pads to pick up/rinse with.
YES!!! An Impregnating sealer to follow up with.(from Stonetech or Final Results)

TM method:
The only thing to change is; Alkaline and Acid products from either Stonetech or Final Results
TM and a hard surface tool for p/u & rinse.

Ray,after utilizing both afermentioned methods I strongly suggest the TM method for superior results.I believe you mentioed selling off your TM' me if you need help in that department or with anymore questions.

Also,I suggest doing a quick "demo"-test of the area.Call or email Jeanette and I,either one of us can tell you how we do this to deliver some sizzle!

P.S. Forgot to mention Dynachem's Ultraseal for an Impregnator.I re-read your post,...11,000 sq.ft.?...without a T.M. you will be at it for at least 11-12 hours.

This message has been edited by patrickmatte on Apr 5, 2006 10:32 PM


Re: Glazed Ceramic Tile

April 6 2006, 8:09 AM 

Thanks Patrick, I do have a truck mount available. I also appreciate your offer. We are in the pricing stage to see how it will be budgeted. If under $5000.00 they can do immediately, and over will require a meeting with their District Overseer.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Glazed Ceramic Tile

April 7 2006, 6:32 AM 


The medium poly brushes are perfect for T&G or the 4805 brushes.

Scrub and rinse. Using a "Spinner" type tool to rinse will do the job more efficiently for you.

BTW, we're back in the works to do develop a MEAN cleaner for T&G. This new one we're working on looks real good.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Glazed Ceramic Tile
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS