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Light Taupe Berber to clean tomorrow...

April 6 2006 at 12:52 AM

was going to use my Challenger, but Mark reminded me below how beautifully berbers come clean with the 'Mex. and faster to boot

i'll run the regular FP pads over it, then follow with Rick's Cimex bonnets.

anyone tried Encap'ing with FP pads on both their Cimex and Challenger side-by-side and see which does better (i know the Mex is much faster)? my guess is the 'Mex out-Encaps an OP machine (with FP pads).

thanx --- Derek.


Light Taupe

April 6 2006, 6:59 AM 


I use my mex almost exclusively for berber carpets now. I would use fp max pads with ds followed with cimex bonnets.
I do this all the time the results are amazing.

I find that people don't care how you clean it. They just
want it cleaned. When I first started doing this type of work. I would clean all berber with my TM and my dri master
it also did a terrific job, but if I didn't get it dry fast..well you know wickback. The mex eliminates this and the carpets look just as good. Good luck..



Re: Light Taupe

April 6 2006, 2:30 PM 

thanx Ralph.

i should have used my Max pads, i didn't think of it.

when i arrived i found they wanted me to clean their dining rm carpet (off-white plush) as well. well, i didn't want to HAVE to use 2 machines for such a small job, but if i had to...

so i figured i'd run the Mex over the Dining rm., then post bonnet with 9"-10" 100% cotton bonnets w/ an elastic edge that i picked up at an auto parts store. if it needed anything further i'd wheel in the Challenger. no need to, the plush turned out so nice. berber came out well and the clients were pleased. they just love when ya offer them a couple pairs of booties to put on their feet.

the Mex cleans alot faster than my Challenger...forgot that fact.

thanx --- D.


George Barnett

Re: Light Taupe

April 6 2006, 7:57 PM 

Haven't had a problem with encapping berber. Worked fast with my c'mex and pads. Most people say, "makes me not regret getting berber anymore".

George Barnett
Owner: G & G Services
HydroTech Distributor

Current Topic - Light Taupe Berber to clean tomorrow...
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