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OP or Floor machine?

April 6 2006 at 1:24 PM

Which one cleans better and is more productive, an OP machine like the challenger or a floor machine with brush and bonnet?


Re: OP or Floor machine?

April 6 2006, 2:23 PM 

hiyas Bro

i've no personal experience with a Low Speed Rotary on Carpet. but i've read enough comments from ppl who've used both. the vast majority of those who have tried both relate that OP out-cleans a Rotary.

if by productive you mean faster, most say the Rotary is faster. BUT, if you're spending more time going over the carpet with a Rotary to get it as clean as an OP, is it really that much faster?

ya get my email? also as it stands now, i won't be to the A.H. until 11:30-12:30...phys therapy appt.

thanx --- D.


Re: OP or Floor machine?

April 6 2006, 2:32 PM 

Thanks for your input. I didn't get your e-mail. Send me your e-mail again and I'll send you mine. Look forward to seeing you @ A.H.

Mark Hart

Re: OP or Floor machine?

April 6 2006, 2:44 PM 

I cannot comment on an OP machine. However, a 300 rpm machine with max pads is great. Must be a lot faster then 175 rpm. I use a 17" high speed and can do over 2000 s/f in 45 minutes. For some reason I seem to use less solution as well.

Rick Thode

Re: OP or Floor machine?

April 6 2006, 6:34 PM 

After working extensively with both systems, here is my take on the two systems for what it's worth. On light to medium soil, doing maintenance cleaning, you can move quite quickly with both systems. But I believe that you can move more quickly with a buffer and pads. I also feel that you remove more soil with the orbital machine even though you can't move as quickly. The orbital appears to work more like a tamping type of action and therefore seems to pull more soil out and in any testing that I have done, when it comes to medium to heavier soiling, the orbital will clean out much more soil that what the buffer will be able to do.

Rick Thode
Releasit/Cimex Canada

David Hebert

Re: OP or Floor machine?

April 7 2006, 9:55 AM 

We use a 20 inch 320 speed rotary and beige pads

We have done lots of nasty shoe store carpets,factory, and condo compleses
even on the nast ones I get about 1800 sq per how with it.

Clients are always very happy and pay prompty I see not need to mess with it


Re: OP or Floor machine?

April 7 2006, 11:07 AM 

I think with either machine the key to which is better is the operator, the better skilled the operator is with each machine will relate directly to the results achieved

Current Topic - OP or Floor machine?
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