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Rick, I got a question..

April 10 2006 at 11:23 PM
mike pailliotet  

I have a job coming up where the janitorial staff have been In-Houseing the halls with a walk behind extractor. They are using Clausons extraction juice. The halls look very dull and has many spots. It is a very high end old folks home.

I plan on Cimexing the halls and am curious of you would up the Releasit ratio to help deal with the Clausons residue.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Rick, I got a question..

April 11 2006, 7:44 AM 

Howdy Mikey,

Yep, that kind of residue can be a problem.

But I would suggest using Releasit at the normal dilution. At the regular dilution rate Releasit does an excellent job of overcoming most detergent residues. It sounds like that should work fine, but then again, I'm not seeing the carpet either.

If you feel the carpet's exceptionally loaded with their detergent residue, you might opt to increase the mix ratio slightly. Increasing the mixture 25% stronger would be about as much as you'd ever need to go in a situation like this. For instance, instead of 4 ounces per gal for Encap-Clean DS, you could go 5 ounces per gallon.

Mix the Releasit with some hot V water. And take your time scrubbing. Avoid the urge to use more solution,don't over-wet the carpet. Just make a few dry/scrubbing passes and you should see nice results.

For the spots that you mentioned, be sure to treat the spill stains with care and you'll be able to eliminate them. Follow these instructions...

Hope it turns out well for you. Take some pictures.

Take care bud.

Rick Gelinas

DAnny Strickland

Be sure to

April 11 2006, 9:49 AM 

V A C U U M !!!!!!!!!!

Current Topic - Rick, I got a question..
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS