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When do you...

April 12 2006 at 9:34 PM

Padcapping sounds interesting, but i dont know when to do there certain situations (ie residential plush carpeting) that need it more commonly than others? After doing this should i lay down some more encap solution, since the pads just absorbed what was on the carpet?

Also, i read about the great results of Releasit, but im not entirely experiencing the same. I have used a different encap detergent and decided to try out the Releasit because of the posts on this site. It seems to work ok, but maybe im not doing the process right. With my other detergent it seems that I dont have to scrub as much. I know the scrubbing is key, but it seems that i'm spending too much time (and a little more money) with the Releasit than the other powder stuff.

Am I missing something?? Any comments would help greatly.

This message has been edited by DDcarpclean on Apr 12, 2006 9:35 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: When do you...

April 12 2006, 11:34 PM 

I'll let some of the other fellas comment on "Pad-Capping" because it's not something we've done very much of. However bonnet/OP cleaning with Encap-Punch is awesome! That would be the best product to use for that application.

Sorry to hear that you're not blown away with the results of Releasit. If you're not satisfied we'll be happy to refund your money. Most folks absolutely LOVE the results with Releasit. But hey, everybody's different. And the circumstances are all different too... What machine are you using? How is the detergent being applied? What type of carpet? What type of soil conditions? There are so many factors that haven't been considered here, it would be difficult to shoot from the hip and try to see what you're doing wrong.

You mentioned that you found a detergent that is cheaper to work with. Wow! Cheaper than .003 per sq ft? That's kind of hard to imagine. Here's the break down for Releasit... A case of Releasit Encap-Clean DS sells for $130 with free shipping. And a case of Releasit Encap-Clean DS can clean 39,000 sq ft of commercial carpeting. Divide $130 by 39,000 and you come to .003 per sq ft. Most folks feel that's a fairly inconsequential end user cost.

IF you need any help at all, I'm only a phone call away. So feel free to contact us if you need assistance. We'll do our level best to get you up and running.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Apr 12, 2006 11:36 PM


When do you

April 13 2006, 6:33 AM 

Mat, I only do pad capping on white or off white olefin
resi carpet. I make a decision to pad cap only when I
think I can make the carpet shine a little brighter for the
customer. After I completely clean the carpet I Put on my bonnets and off I go. I don't use any more solution. I just run it over the cleaned area and you'll see a little
dirt on the bonnets. This does not change the crystalization of the solution (ds) performed during the cleaning. Its just an added step for a brighter carpet. I would assume it would have the same effect on resi pile. Try it it eon't hurt anything.


David Hebert

Re: When do you

April 13 2006, 8:12 AM 

Rick since Powdered encaps was mentioned I am presuming
Atomic by magic wand is being used.
Cost $139 for a 30 pound pail, this will clean 100,000 sq ft.

Having used both of them, I still like Releasit better. I get better coverage with Releasit then Atomic. Better then what the lable says, and a bonus if you are running low on juice you can dillute the mix more then recomended and still get great preformance

Scott Warrington

Re: When do you

April 13 2006, 12:37 PM 

Bonnet cleaning with a good encap detrergent has the advantage of being a dual system. You get the immediate soil removal of a pad or bonnet and you get the benefits of encapsulation for any remaining soils.

Pad and bonnet machines with any product are used more often on residential carpet than a Cimex or some of the other machines. So there is a track record showing this is a safe and effective process for residential carpet.

Due to the polymer chemistry, a powdered cleaner can not work as well as the liquid encapsulators.

Scott Warrington

This message has been edited by cimex on Apr 13, 2006 12:53 PM




April 13 2006, 3:48 PM 

We use our cimex19 along with Releasit DS (Red Label) and a 300rpm floor machine with Releasit (Blue Label) and of course Releasit encap-spot and the fiber plus pads on COMMERCIAL carpet.

Last week I cleaned 25,000 sq ft 2nd cleaning for this customer on a quarterly program (the carpet is more like 33,000 sq ft but cleanable was the in the 25,00 range.

While I was using the 300rpm machine with the fiber plus and (blue label) solution in the tank, on a part of carpet near(exit door)the people track in dirt from the black-top parking lot so it had more of a traffic lane then the other exits I put a cotton pad down and just buffed the carpet it looked even better.(Just like what Ralph does)

As far as residential goes I don’t do res… only commercial.

Your comments on the Releasit I have to say I wouldn’t use any other brand of encapsulate even if the company gave it to me FREE just my 2cents.

If you are having trouble with getting great results take a look at how you are applying the product.

If the area you are doing is very dirty (pre-spray with the Releasit @ 12 oz per gallon of very hot water let dwell a couple and then hit with your machine and fiber plus pad or a stripped pad/cotton but fiber-plus is the way to go. (Some have suggested using fiber—max pads) I have not had a chance to do so.

Please explain what kind of machine are you using?
Are you doing residential or commercial?
Did you use Releasit DS or Releasit blue?
What shape was the carpet that you cleaned?
When was the last time that carpet was cleaned?

There are a lot of questions but these should help you get better results

As for my customer with the 30,000 sq ft beige olefin carpets go, well the VP was thrilled once again that he gave us a wonderful testimonial on their letterhead as to the results of our carpet cleaning.

We only used RELEASIT PRODUCTS in his building

In addition I have been giving this customer bottles of encap-spot and they go thru it like a bottle of Veuve Clicquot on Friday night.

Scott, made a very good point, which I would agree that with polymer chemistry, a powdered cleaner couldn’t work as well as the liquid encapsulates.

Best to all!
Since 1991

Richard Brooks

Re: When do you

April 13 2006, 7:06 PM 

Hi Matt,

I’m not sure about what you mean “is there certain situations (ie residential plush carpeting) that need it more commonly than others?”

By asking if some “need it more commonly than others” I’m thinking post bonneting. Are you using HWE and post bonneting, or thinking about pad-capping as a standalone method?

Here are my thoughts covering both bases. Please keep in mind that I use a low speed floor machine and my opinions below are for residential carpet.

The toughest carpet to pad-cap is heavily soiled plush residential. Restorative cleaning on a plush carpet would be best done with HWE with post padding. Pad-capping should be fine for a maintenance cleaning. Most other carpet that is less dense can be effectively pad-capped.

Post Bonnet after HWE: If you are thinking about post bonneting a residential plush after HWE it depends on what your goal is. If you are trying to remove a little more soil and speed drying times I would not put any more encap solution down as long as the carpet is still damp enough to provide proper lubrication for the pad. If the traffic lanes are still dark you may want to spray down some more solution and pad-cap them using a Dirt Napper brush and bonnet setup followed by one of Rick’s encap bonnet’s afterwards to pull up some additional soiling.

Pad-cap as a standalone method: On most carpet I use the Dirt Napper brush and bonnet setup that I purchased from Powr-Flite (DN17). After trying a lot of different pad types this is what I have settled on for most residential situations. For areas of heavy soiling or residues such as food, drink or oily areas from where a pet likes to lay I like to make sure that residue is removed by running over the area with a damp encap bonnet like Rick sells. After cleaning I post vacuum the damp carpet with an inexpensive Dirt Devil with a dirt cup. This vacuum never gets used for anything else.

As far as Releasit, I haven’t done much testing of other brands. Releasit has worked very very well for me and I have no complaints. Rick recommends Encap-Punch (low foaming) for bonnet cleaning among other things. Personally I mainly use Encap-Clean DS even though it is made for encapping as in the shampoo method. Many will disagree but I haven’t noticed the higher foaming to significantly hinder the dirt from being absorbed into the pads and to be honest I use the DS because it costs less. Don’t get me wrong, if the Punch performed better for me than the DS I would spend the extra money LOL but I can’t tell any difference. I do keep Punch around for HWE.


Is Scott on the payroll?

April 13 2006, 8:06 PM 

Was that (a tad of a ad?)Scott, as Lee Stockwell would say. LOL


Thank You!

April 14 2006, 12:07 AM 

As usually you guys come through with the answers i am lookin for, even when i leave out some crucial material! I use the Cimex, and sometimes a smaller shower feed machine. I have no HWE equipment what so ever. I do both commercial and residential...I actually went ahead and used the paddcapping on a commerc. carpet today after i cimexed it, it did improve the look and pulled out more soil...

As for the use of the Releasit, i mix it according to directions and always pre spray with the Punch. Maybe im not supposed to do that...? I always use the Releasit for resi because it says that it is safe for pets n kids, and it leaves a flouroguard protector on the fibers that acts as a repelent (kinda like a scotchguard?) to new soil.

When i feed the solution through the machine, should the carpet foam up when i do it? I try not to let that happen.

Thanx again for the wealth of info, it has helped this novice greatly!

Rick Thode

Re: Thank You!

April 14 2006, 12:24 AM 

Hey Matt:

Do not pre-spray unless the carpet is VERY soiled. Make sure to get an even and complete coverage of foam on you first pass and then just agitate until it responds. Usually do not add extract solution unless once you have got a complete coverage, because you can overwet. If you don't have foam, you don't have enough solution to clean, normally speaking ( some carpets just don't foam much at all).

And, as always, a thorough prevac is imperative to a good cleaning job.

Rick Thode
Releasit/Cimex Canada



April 14 2006, 10:41 AM 

I recently purchased a Challenger OP machine with a case of Encap Punch. I supervise the cleaning crew in a large office building that had a bad traffic path between the cafeteria and fitness room. I used the Challenger on it with the Punch and the traffic path is gone. The only problem is now is it's still noticeable because it's cleaner than the surrounding carpet! I used it last night in the executive boardroom, carpet looks great! I have tested this system on commercial glue down & residential and have got excellent results. So my advice is try it everywhere you can. I also recommend giving the Punch dwell time of approx. 5 - 10 min. especially on bad areas. Pad away!

Current Topic - When do you...
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS