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Cimex Maintenance

April 13 2006 at 10:34 AM


Is there any special proceedure to be taken with maintaining a Cimex? Should the lines be drained? Is there regular oiling of parts needed? We just got a 19 inch cyclone .




Rick Gelinas

Re: Cimex Maintenance

April 13 2006, 1:55 PM 

There really isn't much to maintain with the Cimex. It's just like that pink Bunny on TV - "Still Going".

If the machine is going to sit for a couple of days between uses, it's good to drain the tank. And it's not a bad idea to even run a little fresh water through the line to clear it too.

Periodically you'll also need to clean the plumbing. This should be considered routine maintenance. Here's a PDF file that shows you exactly how to do it...

Aside from that it's pretty much maintenance free.

Enjoy your new yellow scrubbing monster!

Rick Gelinas



April 13 2006, 3:29 PM 

Thanks for your help Rick



Maintenance? LOL

April 13 2006, 8:12 PM 

Surely you gest. I have a two year old 19" Cimex that has cleaned many thousands of dollars of carpet, been abused, fallen off the truck twice, left sitting on it's pads with solution in it up to four or five days, never been cleaned, never been serviced , We estimate approx. 1400 hours on it, and NO maintenance, and NO problems. That is one of the best pieces of cleaning equipment we haved ever owned.


Must be all the dirt & crystals holding it together!

April 13 2006, 8:58 PM 



Re: If'n it ain't broke, ain't no need to fix it.

April 13 2006, 10:51 PM 

I got the good guts on my 'Mex; before I got it.

I was told to treat it as a furniture sales person would tell you how to look after leather.

'She'll look after itself mate'

'Ain't no maintenance needed'

Mind you, that was not from Rick, nor any other respected operator.

But it is easy to maintain, just like Rambo say's.

Reminds me, one day I gotta check that tap or trigger valve to see why solution keeps running with the trigger not being held.

This happens only on a full tank.

Gary did tell me, but I forgot.



PS:: Gotta gor put on a plug for my new Rugbadger now, so I may as well test & tag my 'Mex; at the same time.

This message has been edited by ShortyDownUnder on Apr 13, 2006 10:52 PM

Current Topic - Cimex Maintenance
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